Chilkat Online Tools

DescribeDatastore VB.NET Example

AWS IoT Analytics

' This example requires the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
' See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.

Dim rest As New Chilkat.Rest
Dim success As Boolean

Dim authAws As New Chilkat.AuthAws
authAws.AccessKey = "AWS_ACCESS_KEY"
authAws.SecretKey = "AWS_SECRET_KEY"

' Don't forget to change the region to your particular region. (Also make the same change in the call to Connect below.)
authAws.Region = "us-west-2"
authAws.ServiceName = "iotanalytics"
' SetAuthAws causes Chilkat to automatically add the following headers: Authorization, X-Amz-Date

' URL:
' Use the same region as specified above.
success = rest.Connect("",443,True,True)
If (success <> True) Then
    Debug.WriteLine("ConnectFailReason: " & rest.ConnectFailReason)
    Exit Sub
End If


Dim sbResponseBody As New Chilkat.StringBuilder
success = rest.FullRequestNoBodySb("GET","/datastores/{datastoreName}",sbResponseBody)
If (success <> True) Then
    Exit Sub
End If

Dim respStatusCode As Integer = rest.ResponseStatusCode
Debug.WriteLine("response status code = " & respStatusCode)
If (respStatusCode <> 200) Then
    Debug.WriteLine("Response Header:")
    Debug.WriteLine("Response Body:")
    Exit Sub
End If

Dim jResp As New Chilkat.JsonObject

' The following code parses the JSON response.
' A sample JSON response is shown below the sample code.

' Use this online tool to generate parsing code from sample JSON:
' Generate Parsing Code from JSON

Dim AttributeName As String
Dim timestampPartitionAttributeName As String
Dim TimestampFormat As String
Dim name As String
Dim v_type As String

Dim Arn As String = jResp.StringOf("datastore.arn")
Dim CreationTime As Integer = jResp.IntOf("datastore.creationTime")
Dim LastMessageArrivalTime As Integer = jResp.IntOf("datastore.lastMessageArrivalTime")
Dim LastUpdateTime As Integer = jResp.IntOf("datastore.lastUpdateTime")
Dim Name As String = jResp.StringOf("")
Dim NumberOfDays As Integer = jResp.IntOf("datastore.retentionPeriod.numberOfDays")
Dim Unlimited As Integer = jResp.IntOf("datastore.retentionPeriod.unlimited")
Dim Status As String = jResp.StringOf("datastore.status")
Dim Bucket As String = jResp.StringOf("")
Dim KeyPrefix As String = jResp.StringOf("")
Dim RoleArn As String = jResp.StringOf("")
Dim CustomerManagedS3StorageBucket As String = jResp.StringOf("")
Dim CustomerManagedS3StorageKeyPrefix As String = jResp.StringOf("")
Dim EstimatedOn As Integer = jResp.IntOf("statistics.size.estimatedOn")
Dim EstimatedSizeInBytes As Integer = jResp.IntOf("statistics.size.estimatedSizeInBytes")
Dim i As Integer = 0
Dim count_i As Integer = jResp.SizeOfArray("datastore.datastorePartitions.partitions")
While i < count_i
    jResp.I = i
    AttributeName = jResp.StringOf("datastore.datastorePartitions.partitions[i].attributePartition.attributeName")
    timestampPartitionAttributeName = jResp.StringOf("datastore.datastorePartitions.partitions[i].timestampPartition.attributeName")
    TimestampFormat = jResp.StringOf("datastore.datastorePartitions.partitions[i].timestampPartition.timestampFormat")
    i = i + 1
End While
i = 0
count_i = jResp.SizeOfArray("datastore.fileFormatConfiguration.parquetConfiguration.schemaDefinition.columns")
While i < count_i
    jResp.I = i
    name = jResp.StringOf("datastore.fileFormatConfiguration.parquetConfiguration.schemaDefinition.columns[i].name")
    v_type = jResp.StringOf("datastore.fileFormatConfiguration.parquetConfiguration.schemaDefinition.columns[i].type")
    i = i + 1
End While

' A sample JSON response body parsed by the above code:

' {
'   "datastore": {
'     "arn": "string",
'     "creationTime": number,
'     "datastorePartitions": {
'       "partitions": [
'         {
'           "attributePartition": {
'             "attributeName": "string"
'           },
'           "timestampPartition": {
'             "attributeName": "string",
'             "timestampFormat": "string"
'           }
'         }
'       ]
'     },
'     "fileFormatConfiguration": {
'       "jsonConfiguration": {},
'       "parquetConfiguration": {
'         "schemaDefinition": {
'           "columns": [
'             {
'               "name": "string",
'               "type": "string"
'             }
'           ]
'         }
'       }
'     },
'     "lastMessageArrivalTime": number,
'     "lastUpdateTime": number,
'     "name": "string",
'     "retentionPeriod": {
'       "numberOfDays": number,
'       "unlimited": boolean
'     },
'     "status": "string",
'     "storage": {
'       "customerManagedS3": {
'         "bucket": "string",
'         "keyPrefix": "string",
'         "roleArn": "string"
'       },
'       "iotSiteWiseMultiLayerStorage": {
'         "customerManagedS3Storage": {
'           "bucket": "string",
'           "keyPrefix": "string"
'         }
'       },
'       "serviceManagedS3": {}
'     }
'   },
'   "statistics": {
'     "size": {
'       "estimatedOn": number,
'       "estimatedSizeInBytes": number
'     }
'   }
' }