DescribeJobs VB.NET Example
' This example requires the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
' See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.
Dim rest As New Chilkat.Rest
Dim success As Boolean
Dim authAws As New Chilkat.AuthAws
authAws.AccessKey = "AWS_ACCESS_KEY"
authAws.SecretKey = "AWS_SECRET_KEY"
' Don't forget to change the region to your particular region. (Also make the same change in the call to Connect below.)
authAws.Region = "us-west-2"
authAws.ServiceName = "batch"
' SetAuthAws causes Chilkat to automatically add the following headers: Authorization, X-Amz-Date
' URL:
' Use the same region as specified above.
success = rest.Connect("",443,True,True)
If (success <> True) Then
Debug.WriteLine("ConnectFailReason: " & rest.ConnectFailReason)
Exit Sub
End If
' The following code creates the JSON request body.
' The JSON created by this code is shown below.
' Use this online tool to generate code from sample JSON:
' Generate Code to Create JSON
Dim json As New Chilkat.JsonObject
' The JSON request body created by the above code:
' {
' "jobs": [
' "string"
' ]
' }
Dim sbRequestBody As New Chilkat.StringBuilder
Dim sbResponseBody As New Chilkat.StringBuilder
success = rest.FullRequestSb("POST","/v1/describejobs",sbRequestBody,sbResponseBody)
If (success <> True) Then
Exit Sub
End If
Dim respStatusCode As Integer = rest.ResponseStatusCode
Debug.WriteLine("response status code = " & respStatusCode)
If (respStatusCode <> 200) Then
Debug.WriteLine("Response Header:")
Debug.WriteLine("Response Body:")
Exit Sub
End If
Dim jResp As New Chilkat.JsonObject
' The following code parses the JSON response.
' A sample JSON response is shown below the sample code.
' Use this online tool to generate parsing code from sample JSON:
' Generate Parsing Code from JSON
Dim Index As Integer
Dim Size As Integer
Dim v_String As Integer
Dim ContainerInstanceArn As String
Dim ExecutionRoleArn As String
Dim ExitCode As Integer
Dim PlatformVersion As String
Dim Image As String
Dim InstanceType As String
Dim JobRoleArn As String
Dim InitProcessEnabled As Integer
Dim MaxSwap As Integer
Dim SharedMemorySize As Integer
Dim Swappiness As Integer
Dim LogDriver As String
Dim OptionsString As String
Dim LogStreamName As String
Dim Memory As Integer
Dim AssignPublicIp As String
Dim Privileged As Integer
Dim ReadonlyRootFilesystem As Integer
Dim Reason As String
Dim TaskArn As String
Dim User As String
Dim Vcpus As Integer
Dim createdAt As Integer
Dim jobArn As String
Dim jobDefinition As String
Dim jobId As String
Dim jobName As String
Dim jobQueue As String
Dim IsMainNode As Integer
Dim NodeIndex As Integer
Dim MainNode As Integer
Dim NumNodes As Integer
Dim parametersString As String
Dim propagateTags As Integer
Dim Attempts As Integer
Dim schedulingPriority As Integer
Dim shareIdentifier As String
Dim startedAt As Integer
Dim status As String
Dim statusReason As String
Dim stoppedAt As Integer
Dim tagsString As String
Dim AttemptDurationSeconds As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim count_j As Integer
Dim containerContainerInstanceArn As String
Dim containerExitCode As Integer
Dim containerLogStreamName As String
Dim containerReason As String
Dim containerTaskArn As String
Dim k As Integer
Dim count_k As Integer
Dim attachmentId As String
Dim ipv6Address As String
Dim privateIpv4Address As String
Dim strVal As String
Dim name As String
Dim value As String
Dim containerPath As String
Dim hostPath As String
Dim size As Integer
Dim valueFrom As String
Dim readOnly As Integer
Dim sourceVolume As String
Dim v_type As String
Dim hardLimit As Integer
Dim softLimit As Integer
Dim AccessPointId As String
Dim Iam As String
Dim FileSystemId As String
Dim RootDirectory As String
Dim TransitEncryption As String
Dim TransitEncryptionPort As Integer
Dim SourcePath As String
Dim containerExecutionRoleArn As String
Dim FargatePlatformConfigurationPlatformVersion As String
Dim containerImage As String
Dim containerInstanceType As String
Dim containerJobRoleArn As String
Dim LinuxParametersInitProcessEnabled As Integer
Dim LinuxParametersMaxSwap As Integer
Dim LinuxParametersSharedMemorySize As Integer
Dim LinuxParametersSwappiness As Integer
Dim LogConfigurationLogDriver As String
Dim containerMemory As Integer
Dim NetworkConfigurationAssignPublicIp As String
Dim containerPrivileged As Integer
Dim containerReadonlyRootFilesystem As Integer
Dim containerUser As String
Dim containerVcpus As Integer
Dim targetNodes As String
Dim json1 As Chilkat.JsonObject
Dim i1 As Integer
Dim count_i1 As Integer
Dim AuthorizationConfigAccessPointId As String
Dim AuthorizationConfigIam As String
Dim efsVolumeConfigurationFileSystemId As String
Dim efsVolumeConfigurationRootDirectory As String
Dim efsVolumeConfigurationTransitEncryption As String
Dim efsVolumeConfigurationTransitEncryptionPort As Integer
Dim hostSourcePath As String
Dim action As String
Dim onExitCode As String
Dim onReason As String
Dim onStatusReason As String
Dim i As Integer = 0
Dim count_i As Integer = jResp.SizeOfArray("jobs")
While i < count_i
jResp.I = i
Index = jResp.IntOf("jobs[i].arrayProperties.index")
Size = jResp.IntOf("jobs[i].arrayProperties.size")
v_String = jResp.IntOf("jobs[i].arrayProperties.statusSummary.string")
ContainerInstanceArn = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].container.containerInstanceArn")
ExecutionRoleArn = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].container.executionRoleArn")
ExitCode = jResp.IntOf("jobs[i].container.exitCode")
PlatformVersion = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].container.fargatePlatformConfiguration.platformVersion")
Image = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].container.image")
InstanceType = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].container.instanceType")
JobRoleArn = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].container.jobRoleArn")
InitProcessEnabled = jResp.IntOf("jobs[i].container.linuxParameters.initProcessEnabled")
MaxSwap = jResp.IntOf("jobs[i].container.linuxParameters.maxSwap")
SharedMemorySize = jResp.IntOf("jobs[i].container.linuxParameters.sharedMemorySize")
Swappiness = jResp.IntOf("jobs[i].container.linuxParameters.swappiness")
LogDriver = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].container.logConfiguration.logDriver")
OptionsString = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].container.logConfiguration.options.string")
LogStreamName = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].container.logStreamName")
Memory = jResp.IntOf("jobs[i].container.memory")
AssignPublicIp = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].container.networkConfiguration.assignPublicIp")
Privileged = jResp.IntOf("jobs[i].container.privileged")
ReadonlyRootFilesystem = jResp.IntOf("jobs[i].container.readonlyRootFilesystem")
Reason = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].container.reason")
TaskArn = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].container.taskArn")
User = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].container.user")
Vcpus = jResp.IntOf("jobs[i].container.vcpus")
createdAt = jResp.IntOf("jobs[i].createdAt")
jobArn = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].jobArn")
jobDefinition = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].jobDefinition")
jobId = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].jobId")
jobName = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].jobName")
jobQueue = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].jobQueue")
IsMainNode = jResp.IntOf("jobs[i].nodeDetails.isMainNode")
NodeIndex = jResp.IntOf("jobs[i].nodeDetails.nodeIndex")
MainNode = jResp.IntOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.mainNode")
NumNodes = jResp.IntOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.numNodes")
parametersString = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].parameters.string")
propagateTags = jResp.IntOf("jobs[i].propagateTags")
Attempts = jResp.IntOf("jobs[i].retryStrategy.attempts")
schedulingPriority = jResp.IntOf("jobs[i].schedulingPriority")
shareIdentifier = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].shareIdentifier")
startedAt = jResp.IntOf("jobs[i].startedAt")
status = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].status")
statusReason = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].statusReason")
stoppedAt = jResp.IntOf("jobs[i].stoppedAt")
tagsString = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].tags.string")
AttemptDurationSeconds = jResp.IntOf("jobs[i].timeout.attemptDurationSeconds")
j = 0
count_j = jResp.SizeOfArray("jobs[i].attempts")
While j < count_j
jResp.J = j
containerContainerInstanceArn = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].attempts[j].container.containerInstanceArn")
containerExitCode = jResp.IntOf("jobs[i].attempts[j].container.exitCode")
containerLogStreamName = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].attempts[j].container.logStreamName")
containerReason = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].attempts[j].container.reason")
containerTaskArn = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].attempts[j].container.taskArn")
startedAt = jResp.IntOf("jobs[i].attempts[j].startedAt")
statusReason = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].attempts[j].statusReason")
stoppedAt = jResp.IntOf("jobs[i].attempts[j].stoppedAt")
k = 0
count_k = jResp.SizeOfArray("jobs[i].attempts[j].container.networkInterfaces")
While k < count_k
jResp.K = k
attachmentId = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].attempts[j].container.networkInterfaces[k].attachmentId")
ipv6Address = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].attempts[j].container.networkInterfaces[k].ipv6Address")
privateIpv4Address = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].attempts[j].container.networkInterfaces[k].privateIpv4Address")
k = k + 1
End While
j = j + 1
End While
j = 0
count_j = jResp.SizeOfArray("jobs[i].container.command")
While j < count_j
jResp.J = j
strVal = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].container.command[j]")
j = j + 1
End While
j = 0
count_j = jResp.SizeOfArray("jobs[i].container.environment")
While j < count_j
jResp.J = j
name = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].container.environment[j].name")
value = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].container.environment[j].value")
j = j + 1
End While
j = 0
count_j = jResp.SizeOfArray("jobs[i].container.linuxParameters.devices")
While j < count_j
jResp.J = j
containerPath = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].container.linuxParameters.devices[j].containerPath")
hostPath = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].container.linuxParameters.devices[j].hostPath")
k = 0
count_k = jResp.SizeOfArray("jobs[i].container.linuxParameters.devices[j].permissions")
While k < count_k
jResp.K = k
strVal = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].container.linuxParameters.devices[j].permissions[k]")
k = k + 1
End While
j = j + 1
End While
j = 0
count_j = jResp.SizeOfArray("jobs[i].container.linuxParameters.tmpfs")
While j < count_j
jResp.J = j
containerPath = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].container.linuxParameters.tmpfs[j].containerPath")
size = jResp.IntOf("jobs[i].container.linuxParameters.tmpfs[j].size")
k = 0
count_k = jResp.SizeOfArray("jobs[i].container.linuxParameters.tmpfs[j].mountOptions")
While k < count_k
jResp.K = k
strVal = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].container.linuxParameters.tmpfs[j].mountOptions[k]")
k = k + 1
End While
j = j + 1
End While
j = 0
count_j = jResp.SizeOfArray("jobs[i].container.logConfiguration.secretOptions")
While j < count_j
jResp.J = j
name = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].container.logConfiguration.secretOptions[j].name")
valueFrom = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].container.logConfiguration.secretOptions[j].valueFrom")
j = j + 1
End While
j = 0
count_j = jResp.SizeOfArray("jobs[i].container.mountPoints")
While j < count_j
jResp.J = j
containerPath = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].container.mountPoints[j].containerPath")
readOnly = jResp.IntOf("jobs[i].container.mountPoints[j].readOnly")
sourceVolume = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].container.mountPoints[j].sourceVolume")
j = j + 1
End While
j = 0
count_j = jResp.SizeOfArray("jobs[i].container.networkInterfaces")
While j < count_j
jResp.J = j
attachmentId = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].container.networkInterfaces[j].attachmentId")
ipv6Address = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].container.networkInterfaces[j].ipv6Address")
privateIpv4Address = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].container.networkInterfaces[j].privateIpv4Address")
j = j + 1
End While
j = 0
count_j = jResp.SizeOfArray("jobs[i].container.resourceRequirements")
While j < count_j
jResp.J = j
v_type = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].container.resourceRequirements[j].type")
value = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].container.resourceRequirements[j].value")
j = j + 1
End While
j = 0
count_j = jResp.SizeOfArray("jobs[i].container.secrets")
While j < count_j
jResp.J = j
name = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].container.secrets[j].name")
valueFrom = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].container.secrets[j].valueFrom")
j = j + 1
End While
j = 0
count_j = jResp.SizeOfArray("jobs[i].container.ulimits")
While j < count_j
jResp.J = j
hardLimit = jResp.IntOf("jobs[i].container.ulimits[j].hardLimit")
name = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].container.ulimits[j].name")
softLimit = jResp.IntOf("jobs[i].container.ulimits[j].softLimit")
j = j + 1
End While
j = 0
count_j = jResp.SizeOfArray("jobs[i].container.volumes")
While j < count_j
jResp.J = j
AccessPointId = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].container.volumes[j].efsVolumeConfiguration.authorizationConfig.accessPointId")
Iam = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].container.volumes[j].efsVolumeConfiguration.authorizationConfig.iam")
FileSystemId = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].container.volumes[j].efsVolumeConfiguration.fileSystemId")
RootDirectory = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].container.volumes[j].efsVolumeConfiguration.rootDirectory")
TransitEncryption = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].container.volumes[j].efsVolumeConfiguration.transitEncryption")
TransitEncryptionPort = jResp.IntOf("jobs[i].container.volumes[j].efsVolumeConfiguration.transitEncryptionPort")
SourcePath = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].container.volumes[j].host.sourcePath")
name = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].container.volumes[j].name")
j = j + 1
End While
j = 0
count_j = jResp.SizeOfArray("jobs[i].dependsOn")
While j < count_j
jResp.J = j
jobId = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].dependsOn[j].jobId")
v_type = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].dependsOn[j].type")
j = j + 1
End While
j = 0
count_j = jResp.SizeOfArray("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties")
While j < count_j
jResp.J = j
containerExecutionRoleArn = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.executionRoleArn")
FargatePlatformConfigurationPlatformVersion = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.fargatePlatformConfiguration.platformVersion")
containerImage = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.image")
containerInstanceType = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.instanceType")
containerJobRoleArn = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.jobRoleArn")
LinuxParametersInitProcessEnabled = jResp.IntOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.linuxParameters.initProcessEnabled")
LinuxParametersMaxSwap = jResp.IntOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.linuxParameters.maxSwap")
LinuxParametersSharedMemorySize = jResp.IntOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.linuxParameters.sharedMemorySize")
LinuxParametersSwappiness = jResp.IntOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.linuxParameters.swappiness")
LogConfigurationLogDriver = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.logConfiguration.logDriver")
OptionsString = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.logConfiguration.options.string")
containerMemory = jResp.IntOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.memory")
NetworkConfigurationAssignPublicIp = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.networkConfiguration.assignPublicIp")
containerPrivileged = jResp.IntOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.privileged")
containerReadonlyRootFilesystem = jResp.IntOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.readonlyRootFilesystem")
containerUser = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.user")
containerVcpus = jResp.IntOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.vcpus")
targetNodes = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].targetNodes")
k = 0
count_k = jResp.SizeOfArray("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.command")
While k < count_k
jResp.K = k
strVal = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.command[k]")
k = k + 1
End While
k = 0
count_k = jResp.SizeOfArray("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.environment")
While k < count_k
jResp.K = k
name = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.environment[k].name")
value = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.environment[k].value")
k = k + 1
End While
k = 0
count_k = jResp.SizeOfArray("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.linuxParameters.devices")
While k < count_k
jResp.K = k
containerPath = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.linuxParameters.devices[k].containerPath")
hostPath = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.linuxParameters.devices[k].hostPath")
json1 = jResp.ObjectOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.linuxParameters.devices[k]")
i1 = 0
count_i1 = json1.SizeOfArray("permissions")
While i1 < count_i1
json1.I = i1
strVal = json1.StringOf("permissions[i]")
i1 = i1 + 1
End While
k = k + 1
End While
k = 0
count_k = jResp.SizeOfArray("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.linuxParameters.tmpfs")
While k < count_k
jResp.K = k
containerPath = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.linuxParameters.tmpfs[k].containerPath")
size = jResp.IntOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.linuxParameters.tmpfs[k].size")
json1 = jResp.ObjectOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.linuxParameters.tmpfs[k]")
i1 = 0
count_i1 = json1.SizeOfArray("mountOptions")
While i1 < count_i1
json1.I = i1
strVal = json1.StringOf("mountOptions[i]")
i1 = i1 + 1
End While
k = k + 1
End While
k = 0
count_k = jResp.SizeOfArray("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.logConfiguration.secretOptions")
While k < count_k
jResp.K = k
name = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.logConfiguration.secretOptions[k].name")
valueFrom = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.logConfiguration.secretOptions[k].valueFrom")
k = k + 1
End While
k = 0
count_k = jResp.SizeOfArray("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.mountPoints")
While k < count_k
jResp.K = k
containerPath = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.mountPoints[k].containerPath")
readOnly = jResp.IntOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.mountPoints[k].readOnly")
sourceVolume = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.mountPoints[k].sourceVolume")
k = k + 1
End While
k = 0
count_k = jResp.SizeOfArray("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.resourceRequirements")
While k < count_k
jResp.K = k
v_type = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.resourceRequirements[k].type")
value = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.resourceRequirements[k].value")
k = k + 1
End While
k = 0
count_k = jResp.SizeOfArray("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.secrets")
While k < count_k
jResp.K = k
name = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.secrets[k].name")
valueFrom = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.secrets[k].valueFrom")
k = k + 1
End While
k = 0
count_k = jResp.SizeOfArray("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.ulimits")
While k < count_k
jResp.K = k
hardLimit = jResp.IntOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.ulimits[k].hardLimit")
name = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.ulimits[k].name")
softLimit = jResp.IntOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.ulimits[k].softLimit")
k = k + 1
End While
k = 0
count_k = jResp.SizeOfArray("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.volumes")
While k < count_k
jResp.K = k
AuthorizationConfigAccessPointId = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.volumes[k].efsVolumeConfiguration.authorizationConfig.accessPointId")
AuthorizationConfigIam = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.volumes[k].efsVolumeConfiguration.authorizationConfig.iam")
efsVolumeConfigurationFileSystemId = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.volumes[k].efsVolumeConfiguration.fileSystemId")
efsVolumeConfigurationRootDirectory = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.volumes[k].efsVolumeConfiguration.rootDirectory")
efsVolumeConfigurationTransitEncryption = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.volumes[k].efsVolumeConfiguration.transitEncryption")
efsVolumeConfigurationTransitEncryptionPort = jResp.IntOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.volumes[k].efsVolumeConfiguration.transitEncryptionPort")
hostSourcePath = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.volumes[k].host.sourcePath")
name = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].nodeProperties.nodeRangeProperties[j].container.volumes[k].name")
k = k + 1
End While
j = j + 1
End While
j = 0
count_j = jResp.SizeOfArray("jobs[i].platformCapabilities")
While j < count_j
jResp.J = j
strVal = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].platformCapabilities[j]")
j = j + 1
End While
j = 0
count_j = jResp.SizeOfArray("jobs[i].retryStrategy.evaluateOnExit")
While j < count_j
jResp.J = j
action = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].retryStrategy.evaluateOnExit[j].action")
onExitCode = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].retryStrategy.evaluateOnExit[j].onExitCode")
onReason = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].retryStrategy.evaluateOnExit[j].onReason")
onStatusReason = jResp.StringOf("jobs[i].retryStrategy.evaluateOnExit[j].onStatusReason")
j = j + 1
End While
i = i + 1
End While
' A sample JSON response body parsed by the above code:
' {
' "jobs": [
' {
' "arrayProperties": {
' "index": number,
' "size": number,
' "statusSummary": {
' "string": number
' }
' },
' "attempts": [
' {
' "container": {
' "containerInstanceArn": "string",
' "exitCode": number,
' "logStreamName": "string",
' "networkInterfaces": [
' {
' "attachmentId": "string",
' "ipv6Address": "string",
' "privateIpv4Address": "string"
' }
' ],
' "reason": "string",
' "taskArn": "string"
' },
' "startedAt": number,
' "statusReason": "string",
' "stoppedAt": number
' }
' ],
' "container": {
' "command": [
' "string"
' ],
' "containerInstanceArn": "string",
' "environment": [
' {
' "name": "string",
' "value": "string"
' }
' ],
' "executionRoleArn": "string",
' "exitCode": number,
' "fargatePlatformConfiguration": {
' "platformVersion": "string"
' },
' "image": "string",
' "instanceType": "string",
' "jobRoleArn": "string",
' "linuxParameters": {
' "devices": [
' {
' "containerPath": "string",
' "hostPath": "string",
' "permissions": [
' "string"
' ]
' }
' ],
' "initProcessEnabled": boolean,
' "maxSwap": number,
' "sharedMemorySize": number,
' "swappiness": number,
' "tmpfs": [
' {
' "containerPath": "string",
' "mountOptions": [
' "string"
' ],
' "size": number
' }
' ]
' },
' "logConfiguration": {
' "logDriver": "string",
' "options": {
' "string": "string"
' },
' "secretOptions": [
' {
' "name": "string",
' "valueFrom": "string"
' }
' ]
' },
' "logStreamName": "string",
' "memory": number,
' "mountPoints": [
' {
' "containerPath": "string",
' "readOnly": boolean,
' "sourceVolume": "string"
' }
' ],
' "networkConfiguration": {
' "assignPublicIp": "string"
' },
' "networkInterfaces": [
' {
' "attachmentId": "string",
' "ipv6Address": "string",
' "privateIpv4Address": "string"
' }
' ],
' "privileged": boolean,
' "readonlyRootFilesystem": boolean,
' "reason": "string",
' "resourceRequirements": [
' {
' "type": "string",
' "value": "string"
' }
' ],
' "secrets": [
' {
' "name": "string",
' "valueFrom": "string"
' }
' ],
' "taskArn": "string",
' "ulimits": [
' {
' "hardLimit": number,
' "name": "string",
' "softLimit": number
' }
' ],
' "user": "string",
' "vcpus": number,
' "volumes": [
' {
' "efsVolumeConfiguration": {
' "authorizationConfig": {
' "accessPointId": "string",
' "iam": "string"
' },
' "fileSystemId": "string",
' "rootDirectory": "string",
' "transitEncryption": "string",
' "transitEncryptionPort": number
' },
' "host": {
' "sourcePath": "string"
' },
' "name": "string"
' }
' ]
' },
' "createdAt": number,
' "dependsOn": [
' {
' "jobId": "string",
' "type": "string"
' }
' ],
' "jobArn": "string",
' "jobDefinition": "string",
' "jobId": "string",
' "jobName": "string",
' "jobQueue": "string",
' "nodeDetails": {
' "isMainNode": boolean,
' "nodeIndex": number
' },
' "nodeProperties": {
' "mainNode": number,
' "nodeRangeProperties": [
' {
' "container": {
' "command": [
' "string"
' ],
' "environment": [
' {
' "name": "string",
' "value": "string"
' }
' ],
' "executionRoleArn": "string",
' "fargatePlatformConfiguration": {
' "platformVersion": "string"
' },
' "image": "string",
' "instanceType": "string",
' "jobRoleArn": "string",
' "linuxParameters": {
' "devices": [
' {
' "containerPath": "string",
' "hostPath": "string",
' "permissions": [
' "string"
' ]
' }
' ],
' "initProcessEnabled": boolean,
' "maxSwap": number,
' "sharedMemorySize": number,
' "swappiness": number,
' "tmpfs": [
' {
' "containerPath": "string",
' "mountOptions": [
' "string"
' ],
' "size": number
' }
' ]
' },
' "logConfiguration": {
' "logDriver": "string",
' "options": {
' "string": "string"
' },
' "secretOptions": [
' {
' "name": "string",
' "valueFrom": "string"
' }
' ]
' },
' "memory": number,
' "mountPoints": [
' {
' "containerPath": "string",
' "readOnly": boolean,
' "sourceVolume": "string"
' }
' ],
' "networkConfiguration": {
' "assignPublicIp": "string"
' },
' "privileged": boolean,
' "readonlyRootFilesystem": boolean,
' "resourceRequirements": [
' {
' "type": "string",
' "value": "string"
' }
' ],
' "secrets": [
' {
' "name": "string",
' "valueFrom": "string"
' }
' ],
' "ulimits": [
' {
' "hardLimit": number,
' "name": "string",
' "softLimit": number
' }
' ],
' "user": "string",
' "vcpus": number,
' "volumes": [
' {
' "efsVolumeConfiguration": {
' "authorizationConfig": {
' "accessPointId": "string",
' "iam": "string"
' },
' "fileSystemId": "string",
' "rootDirectory": "string",
' "transitEncryption": "string",
' "transitEncryptionPort": number
' },
' "host": {
' "sourcePath": "string"
' },
' "name": "string"
' }
' ]
' },
' "targetNodes": "string"
' }
' ],
' "numNodes": number
' },
' "parameters": {
' "string": "string"
' },
' "platformCapabilities": [
' "string"
' ],
' "propagateTags": boolean,
' "retryStrategy": {
' "attempts": number,
' "evaluateOnExit": [
' {
' "action": "string",
' "onExitCode": "string",
' "onReason": "string",
' "onStatusReason": "string"
' }
' ]
' },
' "schedulingPriority": number,
' "shareIdentifier": "string",
' "startedAt": number,
' "status": "string",
' "statusReason": "string",
' "stoppedAt": number,
' "tags": {
' "string": "string"
' },
' "timeout": {
' "attemptDurationSeconds": number
' }
' }
' ]
' }