Chilkat Online Tools

Obtain eBay OAuth2 Access Token

This tool demonstrates how to get an eBay OAuth2 access token using three-legged OAuth2 in an ASP.NET application. This is also known as the "authorization code grant flow". This is when your ASP.NET app acts on the behalf of a third-party user, your app must obtain the user's permission before it can make requests that access and update that third-party's confidential resources. A User access token carries a third-party's authorization to access specific resources, and this type of token is obtained through the authorization code grant flow.

The C# Source Code for this Page


    Layout = "~/_LayoutPage1.cshtml";

    string access_token = "";
    string state = "";

    // Check to see if this is an eBay redirect containing the access token.
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Params["state"]))
        state = Request["state"];

        // Make sure this is the redirect for our session.
        if (!state.Equals(Session["oauth2_state"]))
            access_token = "invalid_state";
        else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Params["code"]))
            access_token = Request["code"];


    Chilkat.HttpRequest req = new Chilkat.HttpRequest();
    req.AddParam("client_id", "ChilkatS-chilkat-SBX-3090fc79c-ee2a78b2");
    // See
    req.AddParam("redirect_uri", "Chilkat_Softwar-ChilkatS-chilka-nkaxwxbh");
    req.AddParam("response_type", "code");
    string stateData = "12345678";  // Replace this with random data..
    req.AddParam("state", stateData);
    Session["oauth2_state"] = stateData;
    // SPACE separated list of scopes.
    req.AddParam("scope", "");

    string ebay_url = "" + req.GetUrlEncodedParams();


<div class="container">
    <h2>Obtain eBay OAuth2 Access Token</h2>
        This tool demonstrates how to get an eBay OAuth2 access token using
        three-legged OAuth2 in an ASP.NET application.  This is also known as the "authorization code grant flow".
        This is when your ASP.NET app acts on the behalf of a third-party user, your app must obtain the user's permission
        before it can make requests that access and update that third-party's confidential resources. A User access token carries
        a third-party's authorization to access specific resources, and this type of token is obtained through the authorization code grant flow.
    <div class="panel panel-default">
        <div class="panel-body">
//When testing with the eBay sandbox, sometimes I get this error message after clicking on the link below:
// "Sorry, we aren't able to complete your request at this time. Please try again later."    Just retry.  Not sure if this is just a sandbox issue..
            <a href="@ebay_url" class="btn btn-primary" role="button">Begin OAuth2</a>
    <div class="panel panel-default">
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(access_token))
                @:<p><b></b>eBay access token:</b> @access_token</p>
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(state))
                @:<p>state: @state</p>

    <div class="panel panel-default">
        <h2>The C# Source Code for this Page</h2>
            Chilkat.FileAccess fac = new Chilkat.FileAccess();
            string path = Server.MapPath("~/ebay_oauth2.cshtml");
            string src = fac.ReadEntireTextFile(path,"utf-8");
            @: @src