Chilkat Online Tools

SQL Server / Plivo REST API / Play audio on a call

Back to Collection Items

-- Important: See this note about string length limitations for strings returned by sp_OAMethod calls.
    DECLARE @hr int
    DECLARE @iTmp0 int
    -- Important: Do not use nvarchar(max).  See the warning about using nvarchar(max).
    DECLARE @sTmp0 nvarchar(4000)
    -- This example assumes the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
    -- See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.

    DECLARE @http int
    EXEC @hr = sp_OACreate 'Chilkat_9_5_0.Http', @http OUT
    IF @hr <> 0
        PRINT 'Failed to create ActiveX component'

    DECLARE @success int

    EXEC sp_OASetProperty @http, 'BasicAuth', 1
    EXEC sp_OASetProperty @http, 'Login', '{{auth_id}}'
    EXEC sp_OASetProperty @http, 'Password', 'password'

    -- Use this online tool to generate code from sample JSON: Generate Code to Create JSON

    -- The following JSON is sent in the request body.

    -- {
    --   "urls": "",
    --   "length": "10",
    --   "legs": "aleg",
    --   "loop": "false",
    --   "mix": "true"
    -- }

    DECLARE @json int
    EXEC @hr = sp_OACreate 'Chilkat_9_5_0.JsonObject', @json OUT

    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateString', @success OUT, 'urls', ''
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateString', @success OUT, 'length', '10'
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateString', @success OUT, 'legs', 'aleg'
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateString', @success OUT, 'loop', 'false'
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'UpdateString', @success OUT, 'mix', 'true'

    DECLARE @resp int
    EXEC sp_OAMethod @http, 'PostJson3', @resp OUT, '<auth_id>/Call/{call_uuid}/Play/', 'application/json', @json
    EXEC sp_OAGetProperty @http, 'LastMethodSuccess', @iTmp0 OUT
    IF @iTmp0 = 0
        EXEC sp_OAGetProperty @http, 'LastErrorText', @sTmp0 OUT
        PRINT @sTmp0
        EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @http
        EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @json

    EXEC sp_OAGetProperty @resp, 'StatusCode', @iTmp0 OUT
    PRINT @iTmp0
    EXEC sp_OAGetProperty @resp, 'BodyStr', @sTmp0 OUT
    PRINT @sTmp0
    EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @resp

    EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @http
    EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @json


Curl Command

curl -X POST
	-u '{{auth_id}}:password'
	-d '{

Postman Collection Item JSON

  "name": "Play audio on a call",
  "request": {
    "method": "POST",
    "header": [
    "body": {
      "mode": "raw",
      "raw": "{\n    \"urls\":\"\",\n    \"length\":\"10\",\n    \"legs\":\"aleg\",\n    \"loop\":\"false\",\n    \"mix\":\"true\"\n}",
      "options": {
        "raw": {
          "language": "json"
    "url": {
      "raw": "{{auth_id}}/Call/{call_uuid}/Play/",
      "protocol": "https",
      "host": [
      "path": [
    "description": "This endpoint allows you to play an audio file during an active call. The audio file formats supported are .mp3 and .wav\n\nBelow is the list of arguments that can be passed in this API request, more information can be found [here](\n\n| Arguments   | Description | Required/Conditional/Optional     |\n| :---        |    :----:   |          ---: |\n| urls      | A single URL or a list of comma separated URLs linking to an .mp3 or .wav file.| Required  |\n| length      | This is the maximum length to which playing this audio file should be restricted to. Length is provided in seconds.| Optional  |\n| legs      | The call leg in which the audio has to be played. This can take three values aleg (first leg of the call), bleg(second leg of the call) or both. The default value is aleg.| Optional  |\n| loop      | This flag when set to true will play the audio file indefinitely. By default it is set to false.| Optional  |\n| mix      | This flag is used to determine the behaviour of current call audio when the file is being played. If this is set to false then participants of the call would not be able to hear anyone speaking in the call until the Play is stopped. If set to true both call audio and the Play audio will be mixed and played. Defaults to true.| Optional  |"
  "response": [
      "name": "Play audio on a call",
      "originalRequest": {
        "method": "POST",
        "header": [
        "body": {
          "mode": "raw",
          "raw": "{\n    \"urls\":\"\",\n    \"length\":\"10\",\n    \"legs\":\"aleg\",\n    \"loop\":\"false\",\n    \"mix\":\"true\"\n}",
          "options": {
            "raw": {
              "language": "json"
        "url": {
          "raw": "{{auth_id}}/Call/{call_uuid}/Play/",
          "protocol": "https",
          "host": [
          "path": [
      "code": 202,
      "_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
      "header": [
      "cookie": [
      "body": "{\n    \"message\": \"play started\",\n    \"api_id\": \"07abfd94-58c0-11e1-86da-adf28403fe48\"\n}"