Chilkat Online Tools

PowerBuilder / Twilio Messaging / SMS / Find available phone numbers

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integer li_rc
oleobject loo_Http
integer li_Success
oleobject loo_QueryParams
oleobject loo_Resp
oleobject loo_SbResponseBody
oleobject loo_JResp
integer li_RespStatusCode
string ls_Address_requirements
integer li_Beta
string ls_Friendly_name
string ls_Iso_country
string ls_Lata
string ls_Latitude
string ls_Locality
string ls_Longitude
string ls_Phone_number
string ls_Postal_code
string ls_Rate_center
string ls_Region
integer li_V_end
string ls_First_page_uri
string ls_Next_page_uri
integer li_Page
integer li_Page_size
string ls_Previous_page_uri
integer li_Start
string ls_Uri
integer i
integer li_Count_i

// This example assumes the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
// See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.

loo_Http = create oleobject
li_rc = loo_Http.ConnectToNewObject("Chilkat_9_5_0.Http")
if li_rc < 0 then
    destroy loo_Http
    MessageBox("Error","Connecting to COM object failed")
end if

loo_Http.BasicAuth = 1
loo_Http.Login = "{{TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID}}"
loo_Http.Password = "{{TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN}}"

loo_QueryParams = create oleobject
li_rc = loo_QueryParams.ConnectToNewObject("Chilkat_9_5_0.JsonObject")


loo_Resp = loo_Http.QuickRequestParams("GET","",loo_QueryParams)
if loo_Http.LastMethodSuccess = 0 then
    Write-Debug loo_Http.LastErrorText
    destroy loo_Http
    destroy loo_QueryParams
end if

loo_SbResponseBody = create oleobject
li_rc = loo_SbResponseBody.ConnectToNewObject("Chilkat_9_5_0.StringBuilder")


loo_JResp = create oleobject
li_rc = loo_JResp.ConnectToNewObject("Chilkat_9_5_0.JsonObject")

loo_JResp.EmitCompact = 0

Write-Debug "Response Body:"
Write-Debug loo_JResp.Emit()

li_RespStatusCode = loo_Resp.StatusCode
Write-Debug "Response Status Code = " + string(li_RespStatusCode)
if li_RespStatusCode >= 400 then
    Write-Debug "Response Header:"
    Write-Debug loo_Resp.Header
    Write-Debug "Failed."
    destroy loo_Resp
    destroy loo_Http
    destroy loo_QueryParams
    destroy loo_SbResponseBody
    destroy loo_JResp
end if

destroy loo_Resp

// Sample JSON response:
// (Sample code for parsing the JSON response is shown below)

// {
//   "available_phone_numbers": [
//     {
//       "address_requirements": "aute eiusmod",
//       "beta": true,
//       "capabilities": {},
//       "friendly_name": "nisi do",
//       "iso_country": "voluptate",
//       "lata": "minim cillum",
//       "latitude": 4649799.109687477,
//       "locality": "in Duis ut anim irure",
//       "longitude": -94614168.65959848,
//       "phone_number": "amet labore",
//       "postal_code": "deserunt esse cillum ut",
//       "rate_center": "velit",
//       "region": "ipsum pariatur cupidatat dolor"
//     },
//     {
//       "address_requirements": "Ut",
//       "beta": true,
//       "capabilities": {},
//       "friendly_name": "ullamco",
//       "iso_country": "in incididunt",
//       "lata": "cillum dolor velit sed",
//       "latitude": -21235506.84035504,
//       "locality": "sint",
//       "longitude": -25668838.90140347,
//       "phone_number": "non adipisicing enim incididunt deserunt",
//       "postal_code": "ut voluptate minim",
//       "rate_center": "velit aliqua",
//       "region": "Excepteur aliquip in nisi"
//     }
//   ],
//   "end": 3504435,
//   "first_page_uri": "http://nnYdJBuOCqryvmKnbvBPBnaNMbCqrxw.tdvyHFVoZISsFUqJvqFT0cg+",
//   "next_page_uri": "http://PoqRnDNQHgsSAILsyYutOtNGDj.qqhjm8TRty6qyZnDJAQcH1Djqzpuv,w5pf+hzR.4snyBz",
//   "page": 90555719,
//   "page_size": 88924560,
//   "previous_page_uri": "https://ArZjnsEHjpSMJWeIOQAYyTOm.ispdr0ZozBph6JkyS4wCN4KsLijal5vGd-yowauXTc55dxOb",
//   "start": -60781383,
//   "uri": "http://BJmswSvlkWlnMst.fiODjnzufdg.eBwAEpkSmwiU.e-Ygm,OFGiH"
// }

// Sample code for parsing the JSON response...
// Use this online tool to generate parsing code from sample JSON: Generate JSON Parsing Code

li_V_end = loo_JResp.IntOf("end")
ls_First_page_uri = loo_JResp.StringOf("first_page_uri")
ls_Next_page_uri = loo_JResp.StringOf("next_page_uri")
li_Page = loo_JResp.IntOf("page")
li_Page_size = loo_JResp.IntOf("page_size")
ls_Previous_page_uri = loo_JResp.StringOf("previous_page_uri")
li_Start = loo_JResp.IntOf("start")
ls_Uri = loo_JResp.StringOf("uri")
i = 0
li_Count_i = loo_JResp.SizeOfArray("available_phone_numbers")
do while i < li_Count_i
    loo_JResp.I = i
    ls_Address_requirements = loo_JResp.StringOf("available_phone_numbers[i].address_requirements")
    li_Beta = loo_JResp.BoolOf("available_phone_numbers[i].beta")
    ls_Friendly_name = loo_JResp.StringOf("available_phone_numbers[i].friendly_name")
    ls_Iso_country = loo_JResp.StringOf("available_phone_numbers[i].iso_country")
    ls_Lata = loo_JResp.StringOf("available_phone_numbers[i].lata")
    ls_Latitude = loo_JResp.StringOf("available_phone_numbers[i].latitude")
    ls_Locality = loo_JResp.StringOf("available_phone_numbers[i].locality")
    ls_Longitude = loo_JResp.StringOf("available_phone_numbers[i].longitude")
    ls_Phone_number = loo_JResp.StringOf("available_phone_numbers[i].phone_number")
    ls_Postal_code = loo_JResp.StringOf("available_phone_numbers[i].postal_code")
    ls_Rate_center = loo_JResp.StringOf("available_phone_numbers[i].rate_center")
    ls_Region = loo_JResp.StringOf("available_phone_numbers[i].region")
    i = i + 1

destroy loo_Http
destroy loo_QueryParams
destroy loo_SbResponseBody
destroy loo_JResp

Curl Command

curl -G -d "SmsEnabled=true"

Postman Collection Item JSON

  "name": "Find available phone numbers",
  "request": {
    "auth": {
      "type": "basic",
      "basic": [
          "key": "password",
          "value": "{{TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN}}",
          "type": "string"
          "key": "username",
          "value": "{{TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID}}",
          "type": "string"
    "method": "GET",
    "header": [
    "url": {
      "raw": "{{2010-04-01-Accounts-AccountSid-AvailablePhoneNumbers-CountryCode-Local.json-Url}}/2010-04-01/Accounts/:AccountSid/AvailablePhoneNumbers/:CountryCode/Local.json?SmsEnabled=true",
      "host": [
      "path": [
      "query": [
          "key": "AreaCode",
          "value": "<integer>",
          "description": "The area code of the phone numbers to read. Applies to only phone numbers in the US and Canada.",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "Contains",
          "value": "<string>",
          "description": "The pattern on which to match phone numbers. Valid characters are `*`, `0-9`, `a-z`, and `A-Z`. The `*` character matches any single digit. For examples, see [Example 2]( and [Example 3]( If specified, this value must have at least two characters.",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "SmsEnabled",
          "value": "true",
          "description": "Whether the phone numbers can receive text messages. Can be: `true` or `false`."
          "key": "MmsEnabled",
          "value": "<boolean>",
          "description": "Whether the phone numbers can receive MMS messages. Can be: `true` or `false`.",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "VoiceEnabled",
          "value": "<boolean>",
          "description": "Whether the phone numbers can receive calls. Can be: `true` or `false`.",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "ExcludeAllAddressRequired",
          "value": "<boolean>",
          "description": "Whether to exclude phone numbers that require an [Address]( Can be: `true` or `false` and the default is `false`.",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "ExcludeLocalAddressRequired",
          "value": "<boolean>",
          "description": "Whether to exclude phone numbers that require a local [Address]( Can be: `true` or `false` and the default is `false`.",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "ExcludeForeignAddressRequired",
          "value": "<boolean>",
          "description": "Whether to exclude phone numbers that require a foreign [Address]( Can be: `true` or `false` and the default is `false`.",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "Beta",
          "value": "<boolean>",
          "description": "Whether to read phone numbers that are new to the Twilio platform. Can be: `true` or `false` and the default is `true`.",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "NearNumber",
          "value": "<string>",
          "description": "Given a phone number, find a geographically close number within `distance` miles. Distance defaults to 25 miles. Applies to only phone numbers in the US and Canada.",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "NearLatLong",
          "value": "<string>",
          "description": "Given a latitude/longitude pair `lat,long` find geographically close numbers within `distance` miles. Applies to only phone numbers in the US and Canada.",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "Distance",
          "value": "<integer>",
          "description": "The search radius, in miles, for a `near_` query.  Can be up to `500` and the default is `25`. Applies to only phone numbers in the US and Canada.",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "InPostalCode",
          "value": "<string>",
          "description": "Limit results to a particular postal code. Given a phone number, search within the same postal code as that number. Applies to only phone numbers in the US and Canada.",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "InRegion",
          "value": "<string>",
          "description": "Limit results to a particular region, state, or province. Given a phone number, search within the same region as that number. Applies to only phone numbers in the US and Canada.",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "InRateCenter",
          "value": "<string>",
          "description": "Limit results to a specific rate center, or given a phone number search within the same rate center as that number. Requires `in_lata` to be set as well. Applies to only phone numbers in the US and Canada.",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "InLata",
          "value": "<string>",
          "description": "Limit results to a specific local access and transport area ([LATA]( Given a phone number, search within the same [LATA]( as that number. Applies to only phone numbers in the US and Canada.",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "InLocality",
          "value": "<string>",
          "description": "Limit results to a particular locality or city. Given a phone number, search within the same Locality as that number.",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "FaxEnabled",
          "value": "<boolean>",
          "description": "Whether the phone numbers can receive faxes. Can be: `true` or `false`.",
          "disabled": true
          "key": "PageSize",
          "value": "<integer>",
          "description": "How many resources to return in each list page. The default is 50, and the maximum is 1000.",
          "disabled": true
      "variable": [
          "key": "AccountSid",
          "value": "{{TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID}}",
          "description": "(Required) The SID of the [Account]( requesting the AvailablePhoneNumber resources."
          "key": "CountryCode",
          "value": "US",
          "description": "(Required) The [ISO-3166-1]( country code of the country from which to read phone numbers."
    "description": "To send an SMS with Twilio you'll first need to buy a phone number. For that you have to search the catalog of available phone numbers.\n\nOnce you have the list of available phone numbers, pick one and use it in the next request to buy the number.\n\nLearn more about this in the [Twilio Docs]("
  "response": [
      "name": "OK",
      "originalRequest": {
        "method": "GET",
        "header": [
            "description": "Added as a part of security scheme: basic",
            "key": "Authorization",
            "value": "Basic <credentials>"
        "url": {
          "raw": "{{2010-04-01-Accounts-AccountSid-AvailablePhoneNumbers-CountryCode-Local.json-Url}}/2010-04-01/Accounts/:AccountSid/AvailablePhoneNumbers/:CountryCode/Local.json?AreaCode=<integer>&Contains=<string>&SmsEnabled=<boolean>&MmsEnabled=<boolean>&VoiceEnabled=<boolean>&ExcludeAllAddressRequired=<boolean>&ExcludeLocalAddressRequired=<boolean>&ExcludeForeignAddressRequired=<boolean>&Beta=<boolean>&NearNumber=<string>&NearLatLong=<string>&Distance=<integer>&InPostalCode=<string>&InRegion=<string>&InRateCenter=<string>&InLata=<string>&InLocality=<string>&FaxEnabled=<boolean>&PageSize=<integer>",
          "host": [
          "path": [
          "query": [
              "key": "AreaCode",
              "value": "<integer>"
              "key": "Contains",
              "value": "<string>"
              "key": "SmsEnabled",
              "value": "<boolean>"
              "key": "MmsEnabled",
              "value": "<boolean>"
              "key": "VoiceEnabled",
              "value": "<boolean>"
              "key": "ExcludeAllAddressRequired",
              "value": "<boolean>"
              "key": "ExcludeLocalAddressRequired",
              "value": "<boolean>"
              "key": "ExcludeForeignAddressRequired",
              "value": "<boolean>"
              "key": "Beta",
              "value": "<boolean>"
              "key": "NearNumber",
              "value": "<string>"
              "key": "NearLatLong",
              "value": "<string>"
              "key": "Distance",
              "value": "<integer>"
              "key": "InPostalCode",
              "value": "<string>"
              "key": "InRegion",
              "value": "<string>"
              "key": "InRateCenter",
              "value": "<string>"
              "key": "InLata",
              "value": "<string>"
              "key": "InLocality",
              "value": "<string>"
              "key": "FaxEnabled",
              "value": "<boolean>"
              "key": "PageSize",
              "value": "<integer>"
          "variable": [
              "key": "AccountSid"
              "key": "CountryCode"
      "status": "OK",
      "code": 200,
      "_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
      "header": [
          "key": "Content-Type",
          "value": "application/json"
      "cookie": [
      "body": "{\n \"available_phone_numbers\": [\n  {\n   \"address_requirements\": \"aute eiusmod\",\n   \"beta\": true,\n   \"capabilities\": {},\n   \"friendly_name\": \"nisi do\",\n   \"iso_country\": \"voluptate\",\n   \"lata\": \"minim cillum\",\n   \"latitude\": 4649799.109687477,\n   \"locality\": \"in Duis ut anim irure\",\n   \"longitude\": -94614168.65959848,\n   \"phone_number\": \"amet labore\",\n   \"postal_code\": \"deserunt esse cillum ut\",\n   \"rate_center\": \"velit\",\n   \"region\": \"ipsum pariatur cupidatat dolor\"\n  },\n  {\n   \"address_requirements\": \"Ut\",\n   \"beta\": true,\n   \"capabilities\": {},\n   \"friendly_name\": \"ullamco\",\n   \"iso_country\": \"in incididunt\",\n   \"lata\": \"cillum dolor velit sed\",\n   \"latitude\": -21235506.84035504,\n   \"locality\": \"sint\",\n   \"longitude\": -25668838.90140347,\n   \"phone_number\": \"non adipisicing enim incididunt deserunt\",\n   \"postal_code\": \"ut voluptate minim\",\n   \"rate_center\": \"velit aliqua\",\n   \"region\": \"Excepteur aliquip in nisi\"\n  }\n ],\n \"end\": 3504435,\n \"first_page_uri\": \"http://nnYdJBuOCqryvmKnbvBPBnaNMbCqrxw.tdvyHFVoZISsFUqJvqFT0cg+\",\n \"next_page_uri\": \"http://PoqRnDNQHgsSAILsyYutOtNGDj.qqhjm8TRty6qyZnDJAQcH1Djqzpuv,w5pf+hzR.4snyBz\",\n \"page\": 90555719,\n \"page_size\": 88924560,\n \"previous_page_uri\": \"https://ArZjnsEHjpSMJWeIOQAYyTOm.ispdr0ZozBph6JkyS4wCN4KsLijal5vGd-yowauXTc55dxOb\",\n \"start\": -60781383,\n \"uri\": \"http://BJmswSvlkWlnMst.fiODjnzufdg.eBwAEpkSmwiU.e-Ygm,OFGiH\"\n}"