Chilkat Online Tools

Foxpro / Sunshine Conversations API / List Messages

Back to Collection Items

LOCAL loHttp
LOCAL lnSuccess
LOCAL loQueryParams
LOCAL loResp
LOCAL loSbResponseBody
LOCAL lnRespStatusCode
LOCAL lcReceived
LOCAL lcV_Type
LOCAL lcUserId
LOCAL lcDisplayName
LOCAL lcAvatarUrl
LOCAL lcContentType
LOCAL lcText
LOCAL lcSourceType
LOCAL lcIntegrationId
LOCAL lcOriginalMessageId
LOCAL lcOriginalMessageTimestamp
LOCAL lcClientType
LOCAL lcStatus
LOCAL lcClientIntegrationId
LOCAL lcExternalId
LOCAL lcLastSeen
LOCAL lcLinkedAt
LOCAL lcClientDisplayName
LOCAL lcClientAvatarUrl
LOCAL lcDeviceId
LOCAL lcDeviceType
LOCAL lcGuid
LOCAL lcClientId
LOCAL lcDeviceStatus
LOCAL lcDeviceIntegrationId
LOCAL lcDeviceLastSeen
LOCAL lcPushNotificationToken
LOCAL lcAppVersion
LOCAL lcQuotedMessageType
LOCAL lcValue
LOCAL lcLang
LOCAL lnDeleted
LOCAL lnCount_j
LOCAL lcValue
LOCAL lnHasMore
LOCAL lcAfterCursor
LOCAL lcBeforeCursor
LOCAL lcPrev
LOCAL lcV_Next
LOCAL lnCount_i

* This example assumes the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
* See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.

loHttp = CreateObject('Chilkat_9_5_0.Http')

loHttp.BasicAuth = 1
loHttp.Login = "username"
loHttp.Password = "password"

loQueryParams = CreateObject('Chilkat_9_5_0.JsonObject')

loResp = loHttp.QuickRequestParams("GET","{{appId}}/conversations/{{conversationId}}/messages",loQueryParams)
IF (loHttp.LastMethodSuccess = 0) THEN
    ? loHttp.LastErrorText
    RELEASE loHttp
    RELEASE loQueryParams

loSbResponseBody = CreateObject('Chilkat_9_5_0.StringBuilder')

loJResp = CreateObject('Chilkat_9_5_0.JsonObject')
loJResp.EmitCompact = 0

? "Response Body:"
? loJResp.Emit()

lnRespStatusCode = loResp.StatusCode
? "Response Status Code = " + STR(lnRespStatusCode)
IF (lnRespStatusCode >= 400) THEN
    ? "Response Header:"
    ? loResp.Header
    ? "Failed."
    RELEASE loResp
    RELEASE loHttp
    RELEASE loQueryParams
    RELEASE loSbResponseBody
    RELEASE loJResp


* Sample JSON response:
* (Sample code for parsing the JSON response is shown below)

* {
*   "messages": [
*     {
*       "id": "5e552ef595e5206375bb835d",
*       "received": "2019-03-21T18:48:52.760Z",
*       "author": {
*         "type": "business",
*         "userId": "5963c0d619a30a2e00de36b8",
*         "displayName": "Steve",
*         "avatarUrl": ""
*       },
*       "content": {
*         "type": "text",
*         "text": "Hello!",
*         "actions": [
*           {
*             "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
*           },
*           {
*             "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
*           }
*         ]
*       },
*       "source": {
*         "type": "ios",
*         "integrationId": "de13bee15b51033b34162411",
*         "originalMessageId": "5f40256af057d0000dda9bd7",
*         "originalMessageTimestamp": "2019-03-21T18:45:53.720Z",
*         "client": {
*           "id": "5c9a34160c89726709136733",
*           "type": "telegram",
*           "status": "active",
*           "integrationId": "582dedf230e788746891281a",
*           "externalId": "your-own-id",
*           "lastSeen": "2020-08-20T16:13:07.462Z",
*           "linkedAt": "2020-06-23T14:33:47.492Z",
*           "displayName": "Steve",
*           "avatarUrl": "http://EGnaLcOXhxGTLKJ.jpuft043dnis59F",
*           "info": {},
*           "raw": {}
*         },
*         "device": {
*           "id": "de13bee15b51033b34162411",
*           "type": "web",
*           "guid": "in laboris ex",
*           "clientId": "amet minim do eu",
*           "status": "active",
*           "integrationId": "sed enim aliquip commodo",
*           "lastSeen": "elit proident",
*           "pushNotificationToken": "officia labore",
*           "info": {},
*           "appVersion": "irure deserunt qui veniam consequat"
*         }
*       },
*       "quotedMessage": {
*         "type": "message",
*         "message": {
*           "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
*         }
*       },
*       "metadata": {
*         "lang": "en-ca"
*       },
*       "deleted": true
*     },
*     {
*       "id": "5e552ef595e5206375bb835d",
*       "received": "2019-03-21T18:48:52.760Z",
*       "author": {
*         "type": "business",
*         "userId": "5963c0d619a30a2e00de36b8",
*         "displayName": "Steve",
*         "avatarUrl": ""
*       },
*       "content": {
*         "type": "text",
*         "text": "Hello!",
*         "actions": [
*           {
*             "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
*           },
*           {
*             "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
*           }
*         ]
*       },
*       "source": {
*         "type": "ios",
*         "integrationId": "de13bee15b51033b34162411",
*         "originalMessageId": "5f40256af057d0000dda9bd7",
*         "originalMessageTimestamp": "2019-03-21T18:45:53.720Z",
*         "client": {
*           "id": "5c9a34160c89726709136733",
*           "type": "telegram",
*           "status": "active",
*           "integrationId": "582dedf230e788746891281a",
*           "externalId": "your-own-id",
*           "lastSeen": "2020-08-20T16:13:07.462Z",
*           "linkedAt": "2020-06-23T14:33:47.492Z",
*           "displayName": "Steve",
*           "avatarUrl": "http://bnAEzvgnDimaLnqEYLUCQXbU.ywrnS-uvD-0kBryUe",
*           "info": {},
*           "raw": {}
*         },
*         "device": {
*           "id": "de13bee15b51033b34162411",
*           "type": "web",
*           "guid": "laborum eiusmod adipisicing esse",
*           "clientId": "labore adipisicing eiusmod",
*           "status": "inactive",
*           "integrationId": "aute",
*           "lastSeen": "anim reprehenderit proident pariatur incididunt",
*           "pushNotificationToken": "qui dolore Excepteur in",
*           "info": {},
*           "appVersion": "incididunt labore dolore pariatur"
*         }
*       },
*       "quotedMessage": {
*         "type": "message",
*         "message": {
*           "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
*         }
*       },
*       "metadata": {
*         "lang": "en-ca"
*       },
*       "deleted": true
*     }
*   ],
*   "meta": {
*     "hasMore": false,
*     "afterCursor": "55c8d9758590aa1900b9b9f6",
*     "beforeCursor": "55c8d9758590aa1900b9b9f6"
*   },
*   "links": {
*     "prev": "[before]=fcafad804c39a39648004af9",
*     "next": "[after]=5ea868f862cdd24abf010b38"
*   }
* }

* Sample code for parsing the JSON response...
* Use this online tool to generate parsing code from sample JSON: Generate JSON Parsing Code

lnHasMore = loJResp.BoolOf("meta.hasMore")
lcAfterCursor = loJResp.StringOf("meta.afterCursor")
lcBeforeCursor = loJResp.StringOf("meta.beforeCursor")
lcPrev = loJResp.StringOf("links.prev")
lcV_Next = loJResp.StringOf("")
i = 0
lnCount_i = loJResp.SizeOfArray("messages")
DO WHILE i < lnCount_i
    loJResp.I = i
    lcId = loJResp.StringOf("messages[i].id")
    lcReceived = loJResp.StringOf("messages[i].received")
    lcV_Type = loJResp.StringOf("messages[i].author.type")
    lcUserId = loJResp.StringOf("messages[i].author.userId")
    lcDisplayName = loJResp.StringOf("messages[i].author.displayName")
    lcAvatarUrl = loJResp.StringOf("messages[i].author.avatarUrl")
    lcContentType = loJResp.StringOf("messages[i].content.type")
    lcText = loJResp.StringOf("messages[i].content.text")
    lcSourceType = loJResp.StringOf("messages[i].source.type")
    lcIntegrationId = loJResp.StringOf("messages[i].source.integrationId")
    lcOriginalMessageId = loJResp.StringOf("messages[i].source.originalMessageId")
    lcOriginalMessageTimestamp = loJResp.StringOf("messages[i].source.originalMessageTimestamp")
    lcId = loJResp.StringOf("messages[i]")
    lcClientType = loJResp.StringOf("messages[i].source.client.type")
    lcStatus = loJResp.StringOf("messages[i].source.client.status")
    lcClientIntegrationId = loJResp.StringOf("messages[i].source.client.integrationId")
    lcExternalId = loJResp.StringOf("messages[i].source.client.externalId")
    lcLastSeen = loJResp.StringOf("messages[i].source.client.lastSeen")
    lcLinkedAt = loJResp.StringOf("messages[i].source.client.linkedAt")
    lcClientDisplayName = loJResp.StringOf("messages[i].source.client.displayName")
    lcClientAvatarUrl = loJResp.StringOf("messages[i].source.client.avatarUrl")
    lcDeviceId = loJResp.StringOf("messages[i]")
    lcDeviceType = loJResp.StringOf("messages[i].source.device.type")
    lcGuid = loJResp.StringOf("messages[i].source.device.guid")
    lcClientId = loJResp.StringOf("messages[i].source.device.clientId")
    lcDeviceStatus = loJResp.StringOf("messages[i].source.device.status")
    lcDeviceIntegrationId = loJResp.StringOf("messages[i].source.device.integrationId")
    lcDeviceLastSeen = loJResp.StringOf("messages[i].source.device.lastSeen")
    lcPushNotificationToken = loJResp.StringOf("messages[i].source.device.pushNotificationToken")
    lcAppVersion = loJResp.StringOf("messages[i].source.device.appVersion")
    lcQuotedMessageType = loJResp.StringOf("messages[i].quotedMessage.type")
    lcValue = loJResp.StringOf("messages[i].quotedMessage.message.value")
    lcLang = loJResp.StringOf("messages[i].metadata.lang")
    lnDeleted = loJResp.BoolOf("messages[i].deleted")
    j = 0
    lnCount_j = loJResp.SizeOfArray("messages[i].content.actions")
    DO WHILE j < lnCount_j
        loJResp.J = j
        lcValue = loJResp.StringOf("messages[i].content.actions[j].value")
        j = j + 1
    i = i + 1

RELEASE loQueryParams
RELEASE loSbResponseBody

Curl Command

curl -G -d "page[after]=5e1606762556d93e9c176f69"
	-d "page[before]=5e1606762556d93e9c176f69"
	-d "page[size]=10"
	-u 'username:password'{{appId}}/conversations/{{conversationId}}/messages

Postman Collection Item JSON

  "name": "List Messages",
  "_postman_id": "9f9b265c-7546-4b49-98bf-7e4d85bae5f2",
  "request": {
    "method": "GET",
    "header": [
    "url": {
      "raw": "{{url}}/v2/apps/{{appId}}/conversations/{{conversationId}}/messages?page[after]=5e1606762556d93e9c176f69&page[before]=5e1606762556d93e9c176f69&page[size]=10",
      "host": [
      "path": [
      "query": [
          "key": "page[after]",
          "value": "5e1606762556d93e9c176f69",
          "description": "Contains parameters for applying cursor pagination."
          "key": "page[before]",
          "value": "5e1606762556d93e9c176f69",
          "description": "Contains parameters for applying cursor pagination."
          "key": "page[size]",
          "value": "10",
          "description": "Contains parameters for applying cursor pagination."
    "description": "List all messages for a particular conversation. This API is paginated through\n[cursor pagination](#section/Introduction/API-pagination-and-records-limits), in the _backwards_ direction, with the\nmost recent (i.e. last) page of messages being returned by default. The `hasMore` flag indicates whether more messages\nexist in the direction you are currently paginating through. To page backwards in the history, use the `beforeCursor` or follow the `prev`\nlink. The page size limit is fixed at 100 messages per page.\n\n```shell\n/v2/apps/:appId/conversations/:conversationId/messages?page[before]=5f32b88acf6bf25073b2be56\n```\n"
  "response": [
      "id": "550b7411-8e33-4840-8701-23face25cb9a",
      "name": "Ok",
      "originalRequest": {
        "method": "GET",
        "header": [
            "description": {
              "content": "Added as a part of security scheme: bearer",
              "type": "text/plain"
            "key": "Authorization",
            "value": "Bearer <token>"
        "url": {
          "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/v2/apps/:appId/conversations/:conversationId/messages?page[after]=5e1606762556d93e9c176f69&page[before]=5e1606762556d93e9c176f69&page[size]=10",
          "host": [
          "path": [
          "query": [
              "key": "page[after]",
              "value": "5e1606762556d93e9c176f69"
              "key": "page[before]",
              "value": "5e1606762556d93e9c176f69"
              "key": "page[size]",
              "value": "10"
          "variable": [
              "key": "appId"
              "key": "conversationId"
      "status": "OK",
      "code": 200,
      "_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
      "header": [
          "key": "Content-Type",
          "value": "application/json"
      "cookie": [
      "body": "{\n \"messages\": [\n  {\n   \"id\": \"5e552ef595e5206375bb835d\",\n   \"received\": \"2019-03-21T18:48:52.760Z\",\n   \"author\": {\n    \"type\": \"business\",\n    \"userId\": \"5963c0d619a30a2e00de36b8\",\n    \"displayName\": \"Steve\",\n    \"avatarUrl\": \"\"\n   },\n   \"content\": {\n    \"type\": \"text\",\n    \"text\": \"Hello!\",\n    \"actions\": [\n     {\n      \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n     },\n     {\n      \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n     }\n    ]\n   },\n   \"source\": {\n    \"type\": \"ios\",\n    \"integrationId\": \"de13bee15b51033b34162411\",\n    \"originalMessageId\": \"5f40256af057d0000dda9bd7\",\n    \"originalMessageTimestamp\": \"2019-03-21T18:45:53.720Z\",\n    \"client\": {\n     \"id\": \"5c9a34160c89726709136733\",\n     \"type\": \"telegram\",\n     \"status\": \"active\",\n     \"integrationId\": \"582dedf230e788746891281a\",\n     \"externalId\": \"your-own-id\",\n     \"lastSeen\": \"2020-08-20T16:13:07.462Z\",\n     \"linkedAt\": \"2020-06-23T14:33:47.492Z\",\n     \"displayName\": \"Steve\",\n     \"avatarUrl\": \"http://EGnaLcOXhxGTLKJ.jpuft043dnis59F\",\n     \"info\": {},\n     \"raw\": {}\n    },\n    \"device\": {\n     \"id\": \"de13bee15b51033b34162411\",\n     \"type\": \"web\",\n     \"guid\": \"in laboris ex\",\n     \"clientId\": \"amet minim do eu\",\n     \"status\": \"active\",\n     \"integrationId\": \"sed enim aliquip commodo\",\n     \"lastSeen\": \"elit proident\",\n     \"pushNotificationToken\": \"officia labore\",\n     \"info\": {},\n     \"appVersion\": \"irure deserunt qui veniam consequat\"\n    }\n   },\n   \"quotedMessage\": {\n    \"type\": \"message\",\n    \"message\": {\n     \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n    }\n   },\n   \"metadata\": {\n    \"lang\": \"en-ca\"\n   },\n   \"deleted\": true\n  },\n  {\n   \"id\": \"5e552ef595e5206375bb835d\",\n   \"received\": \"2019-03-21T18:48:52.760Z\",\n   \"author\": {\n    \"type\": \"business\",\n    \"userId\": \"5963c0d619a30a2e00de36b8\",\n    \"displayName\": \"Steve\",\n    \"avatarUrl\": \"\"\n   },\n   \"content\": {\n    \"type\": \"text\",\n    \"text\": \"Hello!\",\n    \"actions\": [\n     {\n      \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n     },\n     {\n      \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n     }\n    ]\n   },\n   \"source\": {\n    \"type\": \"ios\",\n    \"integrationId\": \"de13bee15b51033b34162411\",\n    \"originalMessageId\": \"5f40256af057d0000dda9bd7\",\n    \"originalMessageTimestamp\": \"2019-03-21T18:45:53.720Z\",\n    \"client\": {\n     \"id\": \"5c9a34160c89726709136733\",\n     \"type\": \"telegram\",\n     \"status\": \"active\",\n     \"integrationId\": \"582dedf230e788746891281a\",\n     \"externalId\": \"your-own-id\",\n     \"lastSeen\": \"2020-08-20T16:13:07.462Z\",\n     \"linkedAt\": \"2020-06-23T14:33:47.492Z\",\n     \"displayName\": \"Steve\",\n     \"avatarUrl\": \"http://bnAEzvgnDimaLnqEYLUCQXbU.ywrnS-uvD-0kBryUe\",\n     \"info\": {},\n     \"raw\": {}\n    },\n    \"device\": {\n     \"id\": \"de13bee15b51033b34162411\",\n     \"type\": \"web\",\n     \"guid\": \"laborum eiusmod adipisicing esse\",\n     \"clientId\": \"labore adipisicing eiusmod\",\n     \"status\": \"inactive\",\n     \"integrationId\": \"aute\",\n     \"lastSeen\": \"anim reprehenderit proident pariatur incididunt\",\n     \"pushNotificationToken\": \"qui dolore Excepteur in\",\n     \"info\": {},\n     \"appVersion\": \"incididunt labore dolore pariatur\"\n    }\n   },\n   \"quotedMessage\": {\n    \"type\": \"message\",\n    \"message\": {\n     \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n    }\n   },\n   \"metadata\": {\n    \"lang\": \"en-ca\"\n   },\n   \"deleted\": true\n  }\n ],\n \"meta\": {\n  \"hasMore\": false,\n  \"afterCursor\": \"55c8d9758590aa1900b9b9f6\",\n  \"beforeCursor\": \"55c8d9758590aa1900b9b9f6\"\n },\n \"links\": {\n  \"prev\": \"[before]=fcafad804c39a39648004af9\",\n  \"next\": \"[after]=5ea868f862cdd24abf010b38\"\n }\n}"
      "id": "b77a129c-bc78-489f-9630-1dbd1d0aa6bd",
      "name": "Message not found",
      "originalRequest": {
        "method": "GET",
        "header": [
            "description": {
              "content": "Added as a part of security scheme: bearer",
              "type": "text/plain"
            "key": "Authorization",
            "value": "Bearer <token>"
        "url": {
          "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/v2/apps/:appId/conversations/:conversationId/messages?page[after]=5e1606762556d93e9c176f69&page[before]=5e1606762556d93e9c176f69&page[size]=10",
          "host": [
          "path": [
          "query": [
              "key": "page[after]",
              "value": "5e1606762556d93e9c176f69"
              "key": "page[before]",
              "value": "5e1606762556d93e9c176f69"
              "key": "page[size]",
              "value": "10"
          "variable": [
              "key": "appId"
              "key": "conversationId"
      "status": "Not Found",
      "code": 404,
      "_postman_previewlanguage": "text",
      "header": [
          "key": "Content-Type",
          "value": "text/plain"
      "cookie": [
      "body": ""