Chilkat Online Tools

Foxpro / EDS API / Dokuments "PVN atmaksas pieteikums".

Back to Collection Items

LOCAL loHttp
LOCAL lnSuccess
LOCAL loSbResponseBody
LOCAL lnRespStatusCode
LOCAL lcIssuingDate
LOCAL lcSupplierName
LOCAL lcSupplierAddressFree
LOCAL lcSupplierCountryCode
LOCAL lcTaxableAmount
LOCAL lcVatAmount
LOCAL lcReferenceInformation
LOCAL lcSupplierTelephoneNumber
LOCAL lcGoodsDescriptionFreeText
LOCAL lcGoodsDescriptionFreeTextLang
LOCAL lcGoodsDescriptionCodes
LOCAL lcProRataRate
LOCAL lcEuTraderIdIssuedBy
LOCAL lnSimplifiedInvoice
LOCAL lcEuTraderId
LOCAL lcEuTraderIdType
LOCAL lcFileType
LOCAL lcFileName
LOCAL lcFileDescription
LOCAL lcFileContent
LOCAL lcNmrKods
LOCAL lcTalrunis
LOCAL lcSagatavotajs
LOCAL lcRefundingCountryCode
LOCAL lcReferenceNumber
LOCAL lcVersion
LOCAL lcValue
LOCAL lcAddressFree
LOCAL lcTelephoneNumber
LOCAL lcCountryCode
LOCAL lcCodeTypeValueValue
LOCAL lcCodeValue
LOCAL lcIssuedByValue
LOCAL lcEmailAddress
LOCAL lcRepresentativeAddressFree
LOCAL lcRepresentativeCountryCode
LOCAL lcRepresentativeEmailAddress
LOCAL lcNameFreeValue
LOCAL lcRepresentativeTelephoneNumber
LOCAL lcStartDate
LOCAL lcEndDate
LOCAL lcBusinessActivity
LOCAL lcOwnerName
LOCAL lcOwnerType
LOCAL lcV_Currency
LOCAL lnAccepted
LOCAL lnPrecizejums
LOCAL lnPrecizejamaisDokuments
LOCAL lcPrecizejumaPamatojums
LOCAL lnCount_i

* This example assumes the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
* See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.

loHttp = CreateObject('Chilkat_9_5_0.Http')


loSbResponseBody = CreateObject('Chilkat_9_5_0.StringBuilder')
lnSuccess = loHttp.QuickGetSb("",loSbResponseBody)
IF (lnSuccess = 0) THEN
    ? loHttp.LastErrorText
    RELEASE loHttp
    RELEASE loSbResponseBody

loJResp = CreateObject('Chilkat_9_5_0.JsonObject')
loJResp.EmitCompact = 0

? "Response Body:"
? loJResp.Emit()

lnRespStatusCode = loHttp.LastStatus
? "Response Status Code = " + STR(lnRespStatusCode)
IF (lnRespStatusCode >= 400) THEN
    ? "Response Header:"
    ? loHttp.LastHeader
    ? "Failed."
    RELEASE loHttp
    RELEASE loSbResponseBody
    RELEASE loJResp

* Sample JSON response:
* (Sample code for parsing the JSON response is shown below)

* {
*   "NmrKods": "anim velit tempor ullamco",
*   "Talrunis": "4",
*   "Sagatavotajs": "aliqua magna",
*   "ApplicationReference": {
*     "RefundingCountryCode": "anim ad magna",
*     "ReferenceNumber": "proident",
*     "Version": "irure commodo"
*   },
*   "Applicant": {
*     "Name": {
*       "NameFree": {
*         "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
*       }
*     },
*     "AddressFree": "sunt",
*     "TelephoneNumber": "minim magna dolore",
*     "CountryCode": "ad aute laborum",
*     "EUTraderID": {
*       "CodeTypeValue": {
*         "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
*       },
*       "Code": {
*         "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
*       },
*       "IssuedBy": {
*         "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
*       }
*     },
*     "EmailAddress": "quis"
*   },
*   "Representative": {
*     "AddressFree": "deserunt",
*     "CountryCode": "in anim",
*     "EmailAddress": "",
*     "Name": {
*       "NameFree": {
*         "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
*       }
*     },
*     "TelephoneNumber": "\r6",
*     "RepresentativeID": {
*       "CodeTypeValue": {
*         "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
*       },
*       "Code": {
*         "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
*       },
*       "IssuedBy": {
*         "value": "<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>"
*       }
*     }
*   },
*   "RefundPeriod": {
*     "StartDate": "2000-01-31T00:00:00",
*     "EndDate": "2000-01-31T00:00:00"
*   },
*   "BusinessDescription": {
*     "BusinessActivity": "cupidatat deserunt veniam"
*   },
*   "DetailedBankAccount": {
*     "OwnerName": "-r4AJzac",
*     "OwnerType": "magna consectetur sint",
*     "BIC": "CNWONQML",
*     "Currency": "Duis veniam"
*   },
*   "ImportInformation": [
*     {
*       "IssuingDate": "2000-01-31T00:00:00",
*       "SupplierName": "sunt dolor dolor",
*       "SupplierAddressFree": "dolore",
*       "SupplierCountryCode": "est dolore dolor",
*       "Currency": "ea elit nulla velit",
*       "TaxableAmount": -88820603.7288061,
*       "VatAmount": 71318677.0492571,
*       "ReferenceNumber": "eu aliqua nulla",
*       "ReferenceInformation": "exercitation laborum",
*       "SupplierTelephoneNumber": "3",
*       "GoodsDescriptionFreeText": "ani",
*       "GoodsDescriptionFreeTextLang": "ut nostrud ex officia",
*       "GoodsDescriptionCodes": "in L",
*       "ProRataRate": 37125738.782556444
*     },
*     {
*       "IssuingDate": "2000-01-31T00:00:00",
*       "SupplierName": "in non culpa",
*       "SupplierAddressFree": "sit off",
*       "SupplierCountryCode": "qui dolore",
*       "Currency": "in eiusmod in anim",
*       "TaxableAmount": 50542638.62150416,
*       "VatAmount": -84461612.01044232,
*       "ReferenceNumber": "irure ",
*       "ReferenceInformation": "reprehenderit et voluptate",
*       "SupplierTelephoneNumber": "\t ",
*       "GoodsDescriptionFreeText": "laboris dolor",
*       "GoodsDescriptionFreeTextLang": "ipsum commodo",
*       "GoodsDescriptionCodes": "culpa mollit dolor",
*       "ProRataRate": -64717664.86095043
*     }
*   ],
*   "PurchaseInformation": [
*     {
*       "IssuingDate": "2000-01-31T00:00:00",
*       "SupplierName": "ut cillum velit dolore fugiat",
*       "SupplierAddressFree": "aliquip",
*       "SupplierCountryCode": "sed aliquip adipisicing",
*       "Currency": "anim labore consequat",
*       "TaxableAmount": 12481268.563475162,
*       "VatAmount": 31338286.233541623,
*       "ReferenceNumber": "tempor exercita",
*       "EuTraderIdIssuedBy": "ut ea ullamco laboris",
*       "SimplifiedInvoice": true,
*       "SupplierTelephoneNumber": "\u000b947",
*       "EuTraderId": "mini",
*       "EuTraderIdType": "deserunt sunt aliqua",
*       "GoodsDescriptionFreeText": "commodo Lorem",
*       "GoodsDescriptionFreeTextLang": "exercitation sunt voluptate",
*       "GoodsDescriptionCodes": "Excepteur consequat et ut",
*       "ProRataRate": -73370109.27853811
*     },
*     {
*       "IssuingDate": "2000-01-31T00:00:00",
*       "SupplierName": "sed in ut",
*       "SupplierAddressFree": "quis voluptate",
*       "SupplierCountryCode": "labore cillum occaecat",
*       "Currency": "et elit magna",
*       "TaxableAmount": 40216004.607723564,
*       "VatAmount": 29872509.991602138,
*       "ReferenceNumber": "et Lo",
*       "EuTraderIdIssuedBy": "labore incididunt",
*       "SimplifiedInvoice": false,
*       "SupplierTelephoneNumber": "8 ",
*       "EuTraderId": "dolor ipsum in dolor",
*       "EuTraderIdType": "consectetur Ut Lorem",
*       "GoodsDescriptionFreeText": "Ut sed veniam nost",
*       "GoodsDescriptionFreeTextLang": "fug",
*       "GoodsDescriptionCodes": "ex",
*       "ProRataRate": -4523238.601603329
*     }
*   ],
*   "DocumentCopy": [
*     {
*       "FileType": "dolor sit eiusmod",
*       "FileName": "sunt adipisicing",
*       "FileDescription": "aute qui",
*       "FileContent": "dolor officia"
*     },
*     {
*       "FileType": "magna eu deserunt qui",
*       "FileName": "pariatur",
*       "FileDescription": "nisi",
*       "FileContent": "in eiusmod dolor enim"
*     }
*   ],
*   "Accepted": true,
*   "Id": -56268983,
*   "UID": "nulla ut",
*   "Precizejums": true,
*   "PrecizejamaisDokuments": 5162629,
*   "PrecizejumaPamatojums": "cupidatat dolor velit nulla"
* }

* Sample code for parsing the JSON response...
* Use this online tool to generate parsing code from sample JSON: Generate JSON Parsing Code

lcNmrKods = loJResp.StringOf("NmrKods")
lcTalrunis = loJResp.StringOf("Talrunis")
lcSagatavotajs = loJResp.StringOf("Sagatavotajs")
lcRefundingCountryCode = loJResp.StringOf("ApplicationReference.RefundingCountryCode")
lcReferenceNumber = loJResp.StringOf("ApplicationReference.ReferenceNumber")
lcVersion = loJResp.StringOf("ApplicationReference.Version")
lcValue = loJResp.StringOf("Applicant.Name.NameFree.value")
lcAddressFree = loJResp.StringOf("Applicant.AddressFree")
lcTelephoneNumber = loJResp.StringOf("Applicant.TelephoneNumber")
lcCountryCode = loJResp.StringOf("Applicant.CountryCode")
lcCodeTypeValueValue = loJResp.StringOf("Applicant.EUTraderID.CodeTypeValue.value")
lcCodeValue = loJResp.StringOf("Applicant.EUTraderID.Code.value")
lcIssuedByValue = loJResp.StringOf("Applicant.EUTraderID.IssuedBy.value")
lcEmailAddress = loJResp.StringOf("Applicant.EmailAddress")
lcRepresentativeAddressFree = loJResp.StringOf("Representative.AddressFree")
lcRepresentativeCountryCode = loJResp.StringOf("Representative.CountryCode")
lcRepresentativeEmailAddress = loJResp.StringOf("Representative.EmailAddress")
lcNameFreeValue = loJResp.StringOf("Representative.Name.NameFree.value")
lcRepresentativeTelephoneNumber = loJResp.StringOf("Representative.TelephoneNumber")
lcCodeTypeValueValue = loJResp.StringOf("Representative.RepresentativeID.CodeTypeValue.value")
lcCodeValue = loJResp.StringOf("Representative.RepresentativeID.Code.value")
lcIssuedByValue = loJResp.StringOf("Representative.RepresentativeID.IssuedBy.value")
lcStartDate = loJResp.StringOf("RefundPeriod.StartDate")
lcEndDate = loJResp.StringOf("RefundPeriod.EndDate")
lcBusinessActivity = loJResp.StringOf("BusinessDescription.BusinessActivity")
lcOwnerName = loJResp.StringOf("DetailedBankAccount.OwnerName")
lcOwnerType = loJResp.StringOf("DetailedBankAccount.OwnerType")
lcIBAN = loJResp.StringOf("DetailedBankAccount.IBAN")
lcBIC = loJResp.StringOf("DetailedBankAccount.BIC")
lcV_Currency = loJResp.StringOf("DetailedBankAccount.Currency")
lnAccepted = loJResp.BoolOf("Accepted")
lnId = loJResp.IntOf("Id")
lcUID = loJResp.StringOf("UID")
lnPrecizejums = loJResp.BoolOf("Precizejums")
lnPrecizejamaisDokuments = loJResp.IntOf("PrecizejamaisDokuments")
lcPrecizejumaPamatojums = loJResp.StringOf("PrecizejumaPamatojums")
i = 0
lnCount_i = loJResp.SizeOfArray("ImportInformation")
DO WHILE i < lnCount_i
    loJResp.I = i
    lcIssuingDate = loJResp.StringOf("ImportInformation[i].IssuingDate")
    lcSupplierName = loJResp.StringOf("ImportInformation[i].SupplierName")
    lcSupplierAddressFree = loJResp.StringOf("ImportInformation[i].SupplierAddressFree")
    lcSupplierCountryCode = loJResp.StringOf("ImportInformation[i].SupplierCountryCode")
    lcV_Currency = loJResp.StringOf("ImportInformation[i].Currency")
    lcTaxableAmount = loJResp.StringOf("ImportInformation[i].TaxableAmount")
    lcVatAmount = loJResp.StringOf("ImportInformation[i].VatAmount")
    lcReferenceNumber = loJResp.StringOf("ImportInformation[i].ReferenceNumber")
    lcReferenceInformation = loJResp.StringOf("ImportInformation[i].ReferenceInformation")
    lcSupplierTelephoneNumber = loJResp.StringOf("ImportInformation[i].SupplierTelephoneNumber")
    lcGoodsDescriptionFreeText = loJResp.StringOf("ImportInformation[i].GoodsDescriptionFreeText")
    lcGoodsDescriptionFreeTextLang = loJResp.StringOf("ImportInformation[i].GoodsDescriptionFreeTextLang")
    lcGoodsDescriptionCodes = loJResp.StringOf("ImportInformation[i].GoodsDescriptionCodes")
    lcProRataRate = loJResp.StringOf("ImportInformation[i].ProRataRate")
    i = i + 1
i = 0
lnCount_i = loJResp.SizeOfArray("PurchaseInformation")
DO WHILE i < lnCount_i
    loJResp.I = i
    lcIssuingDate = loJResp.StringOf("PurchaseInformation[i].IssuingDate")
    lcSupplierName = loJResp.StringOf("PurchaseInformation[i].SupplierName")
    lcSupplierAddressFree = loJResp.StringOf("PurchaseInformation[i].SupplierAddressFree")
    lcSupplierCountryCode = loJResp.StringOf("PurchaseInformation[i].SupplierCountryCode")
    lcV_Currency = loJResp.StringOf("PurchaseInformation[i].Currency")
    lcTaxableAmount = loJResp.StringOf("PurchaseInformation[i].TaxableAmount")
    lcVatAmount = loJResp.StringOf("PurchaseInformation[i].VatAmount")
    lcReferenceNumber = loJResp.StringOf("PurchaseInformation[i].ReferenceNumber")
    lcEuTraderIdIssuedBy = loJResp.StringOf("PurchaseInformation[i].EuTraderIdIssuedBy")
    lnSimplifiedInvoice = loJResp.BoolOf("PurchaseInformation[i].SimplifiedInvoice")
    lcSupplierTelephoneNumber = loJResp.StringOf("PurchaseInformation[i].SupplierTelephoneNumber")
    lcEuTraderId = loJResp.StringOf("PurchaseInformation[i].EuTraderId")
    lcEuTraderIdType = loJResp.StringOf("PurchaseInformation[i].EuTraderIdType")
    lcGoodsDescriptionFreeText = loJResp.StringOf("PurchaseInformation[i].GoodsDescriptionFreeText")
    lcGoodsDescriptionFreeTextLang = loJResp.StringOf("PurchaseInformation[i].GoodsDescriptionFreeTextLang")
    lcGoodsDescriptionCodes = loJResp.StringOf("PurchaseInformation[i].GoodsDescriptionCodes")
    lcProRataRate = loJResp.StringOf("PurchaseInformation[i].ProRataRate")
    i = i + 1
i = 0
lnCount_i = loJResp.SizeOfArray("DocumentCopy")
DO WHILE i < lnCount_i
    loJResp.I = i
    lcFileType = loJResp.StringOf("DocumentCopy[i].FileType")
    lcFileName = loJResp.StringOf("DocumentCopy[i].FileName")
    lcFileDescription = loJResp.StringOf("DocumentCopy[i].FileDescription")
    lcFileContent = loJResp.StringOf("DocumentCopy[i].FileContent")
    i = i + 1

RELEASE loSbResponseBody

Curl Command

curl -X GET
	-H "Accept: application/json"

Postman Collection Item JSON

  "name": "Dokuments \"PVN atmaksas pieteikums\".",
  "request": {
    "method": "GET",
    "header": [
        "key": "Accept",
        "value": "application/json"
    "url": {
      "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/doc/pvnav2/:id",
      "host": [
      "path": [
      "variable": [
          "key": "id",
          "value": "25210683",
          "description": "(Required) Dokumenta id."
  "response": [
      "name": "OK",
      "originalRequest": {
        "method": "GET",
        "header": [
        "url": {
          "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/doc/pvnav2/:id",
          "host": [
          "path": [
          "variable": [
              "key": "id",
              "value": "25210683",
              "description": "(Required) Dokumenta id."
      "status": "OK",
      "code": 200,
      "_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
      "header": [
          "key": "Content-Type",
          "value": "application/json"
      "cookie": [
      "body": "{\n  \"NmrKods\": \"anim velit tempor ullamco\",\n  \"Talrunis\": \"4\",\n  \"Sagatavotajs\": \"aliqua magna\",\n  \"ApplicationReference\": {\n    \"RefundingCountryCode\": \"anim ad magna\",\n    \"ReferenceNumber\": \"proident\",\n    \"Version\": \"irure commodo\"\n  },\n  \"Applicant\": {\n    \"Name\": {\n      \"NameFree\": {\n        \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n      }\n    },\n    \"AddressFree\": \"sunt\",\n    \"TelephoneNumber\": \"minim magna dolore\",\n    \"CountryCode\": \"ad aute laborum\",\n    \"EUTraderID\": {\n      \"CodeTypeValue\": {\n        \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n      },\n      \"Code\": {\n        \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n      },\n      \"IssuedBy\": {\n        \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n      }\n    },\n    \"EmailAddress\": \"quis\"\n  },\n  \"Representative\": {\n    \"AddressFree\": \"deserunt\",\n    \"CountryCode\": \"in anim\",\n    \"EmailAddress\": \"\",\n    \"Name\": {\n      \"NameFree\": {\n        \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n      }\n    },\n    \"TelephoneNumber\": \"\\r6\",\n    \"RepresentativeID\": {\n      \"CodeTypeValue\": {\n        \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n      },\n      \"Code\": {\n        \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n      },\n      \"IssuedBy\": {\n        \"value\": \"<Error: Too many levels of nesting to fake this schema>\"\n      }\n    }\n  },\n  \"RefundPeriod\": {\n    \"StartDate\": \"2000-01-31T00:00:00\",\n    \"EndDate\": \"2000-01-31T00:00:00\"\n  },\n  \"BusinessDescription\": {\n    \"BusinessActivity\": \"cupidatat deserunt veniam\"\n  },\n  \"DetailedBankAccount\": {\n    \"OwnerName\": \"-r4AJzac\",\n    \"OwnerType\": \"magna consectetur sint\",\n    \"IBAN\": \"FR76IV05EPC,RNHM8MENESST\",\n    \"BIC\": \"CNWONQML\",\n    \"Currency\": \"Duis veniam\"\n  },\n  \"ImportInformation\": [\n    {\n      \"IssuingDate\": \"2000-01-31T00:00:00\",\n      \"SupplierName\": \"sunt dolor dolor\",\n      \"SupplierAddressFree\": \"dolore\",\n      \"SupplierCountryCode\": \"est dolore dolor\",\n      \"Currency\": \"ea elit nulla velit\",\n      \"TaxableAmount\": -88820603.7288061,\n      \"VatAmount\": 71318677.0492571,\n      \"ReferenceNumber\": \"eu aliqua nulla\",\n      \"ReferenceInformation\": \"exercitation laborum\",\n      \"SupplierTelephoneNumber\": \"3 \",\n      \"GoodsDescriptionFreeText\": \"ani\",\n      \"GoodsDescriptionFreeTextLang\": \"ut nostrud ex officia\",\n      \"GoodsDescriptionCodes\": \"in L\",\n      \"ProRataRate\": 37125738.782556444\n    },\n    {\n      \"IssuingDate\": \"2000-01-31T00:00:00\",\n      \"SupplierName\": \"in non culpa\",\n      \"SupplierAddressFree\": \"sit off\",\n      \"SupplierCountryCode\": \"qui dolore\",\n      \"Currency\": \"in eiusmod in anim\",\n      \"TaxableAmount\": 50542638.62150416,\n      \"VatAmount\": -84461612.01044232,\n      \"ReferenceNumber\": \"irure \",\n      \"ReferenceInformation\": \"reprehenderit et voluptate\",\n      \"SupplierTelephoneNumber\": \"\\t   \",\n      \"GoodsDescriptionFreeText\": \"laboris dolor\",\n      \"GoodsDescriptionFreeTextLang\": \"ipsum commodo\",\n      \"GoodsDescriptionCodes\": \"culpa mollit dolor\",\n      \"ProRataRate\": -64717664.86095043\n    }\n  ],\n  \"PurchaseInformation\": [\n    {\n      \"IssuingDate\": \"2000-01-31T00:00:00\",\n      \"SupplierName\": \"ut cillum velit dolore fugiat\",\n      \"SupplierAddressFree\": \"aliquip\",\n      \"SupplierCountryCode\": \"sed aliquip adipisicing\",\n      \"Currency\": \"anim labore consequat\",\n      \"TaxableAmount\": 12481268.563475162,\n      \"VatAmount\": 31338286.233541623,\n      \"ReferenceNumber\": \"tempor exercita\",\n      \"EuTraderIdIssuedBy\": \"ut ea ullamco laboris\",\n      \"SimplifiedInvoice\": true,\n      \"SupplierTelephoneNumber\": \"  \\u000b 9 4  7\",\n      \"EuTraderId\": \"mini\",\n      \"EuTraderIdType\": \"deserunt sunt aliqua\",\n      \"GoodsDescriptionFreeText\": \"commodo Lorem\",\n      \"GoodsDescriptionFreeTextLang\": \"exercitation sunt voluptate\",\n      \"GoodsDescriptionCodes\": \"Excepteur consequat et ut\",\n      \"ProRataRate\": -73370109.27853811\n    },\n    {\n      \"IssuingDate\": \"2000-01-31T00:00:00\",\n      \"SupplierName\": \"sed in ut\",\n      \"SupplierAddressFree\": \"quis voluptate\",\n      \"SupplierCountryCode\": \"labore cillum occaecat\",\n      \"Currency\": \"et elit magna\",\n      \"TaxableAmount\": 40216004.607723564,\n      \"VatAmount\": 29872509.991602138,\n      \"ReferenceNumber\": \"et Lo\",\n      \"EuTraderIdIssuedBy\": \"labore incididunt\",\n      \"SimplifiedInvoice\": false,\n      \"SupplierTelephoneNumber\": \"8 \",\n      \"EuTraderId\": \"dolor ipsum in dolor\",\n      \"EuTraderIdType\": \"consectetur Ut Lorem\",\n      \"GoodsDescriptionFreeText\": \"Ut sed veniam nost\",\n      \"GoodsDescriptionFreeTextLang\": \"fug\",\n      \"GoodsDescriptionCodes\": \"ex\",\n      \"ProRataRate\": -4523238.601603329\n    }\n  ],\n  \"DocumentCopy\": [\n    {\n      \"FileType\": \"dolor sit eiusmod\",\n      \"FileName\": \"sunt adipisicing\",\n      \"FileDescription\": \"aute qui\",\n      \"FileContent\": \"dolor officia\"\n    },\n    {\n      \"FileType\": \"magna eu deserunt qui\",\n      \"FileName\": \"pariatur\",\n      \"FileDescription\": \"nisi\",\n      \"FileContent\": \"in eiusmod dolor enim\"\n    }\n  ],\n  \"Accepted\": true,\n  \"Id\": -56268983,\n  \"UID\": \"nulla ut\",\n  \"Precizejums\": true,\n  \"PrecizejamaisDokuments\": 5162629,\n  \"PrecizejumaPamatojums\": \"cupidatat dolor velit nulla\"\n}"
      "name": "Lietotājs nav autentificēts.",
      "originalRequest": {
        "method": "GET",
        "header": [
        "url": {
          "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/doc/pvnav2/:id",
          "host": [
          "path": [
          "variable": [
              "key": "id",
              "value": "25210683",
              "description": "(Required) Dokumenta id."
      "status": "Unauthorized",
      "code": 401,
      "_postman_previewlanguage": "text",
      "header": [
          "key": "Content-Type",
          "value": "text/plain"
      "cookie": [
      "body": ""
      "name": "Dokuments neeksistē vai lietotājam nav tiesību.",
      "originalRequest": {
        "method": "GET",
        "header": [
        "url": {
          "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/doc/pvnav2/:id",
          "host": [
          "path": [
          "variable": [
              "key": "id",
              "value": "25210683",
              "description": "(Required) Dokumenta id."
      "status": "Forbidden",
      "code": 403,
      "_postman_previewlanguage": "text",
      "header": [
          "key": "Content-Type",
          "value": "text/plain"
      "cookie": [
      "body": ""
      "name": "Pārsniegts izsaukumu skaita ierobežojums.",
      "originalRequest": {
        "method": "GET",
        "header": [
        "url": {
          "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/doc/pvnav2/:id",
          "host": [
          "path": [
          "variable": [
              "key": "id",
              "value": "25210683",
              "description": "(Required) Dokumenta id."
      "status": "Too Many Requests",
      "code": 429,
      "_postman_previewlanguage": "text",
      "header": [
          "key": "Content-Type",
          "value": "text/plain"
      "cookie": [
      "body": ""