Chilkat Online Tools

Foxpro / Datadog API Collection / Get an API test result

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LOCAL loHttp
LOCAL lnSuccess
LOCAL loSbResponseBody
LOCAL lnRespStatusCode
LOCAL lcDescription
LOCAL lcV_type
LOCAL lcStrVal
LOCAL lnAllow_insecure
LOCAL lcPassword
LOCAL lcUsername
LOCAL lcV_Type
LOCAL lcBody
LOCAL lcBodyType
LOCAL lcCallType
LOCAL lcContent
LOCAL lcFilename
LOCAL lcUpdatedAt
LOCAL lcKeyContent
LOCAL lcKeyFilename
LOCAL lcKeyUpdatedAt
LOCAL lcCompressedJsonDescriptor
LOCAL lcDnsServer
LOCAL lnDnsServerPort
LOCAL lnFollow_redirects
LOCAL lcProident_69
LOCAL lcHost
LOCAL lcMessage
LOCAL lcDolor_d
LOCAL lcLabore_7c6
LOCAL lcSed002
LOCAL lcMethod
LOCAL lnNoSavingResponseBody
LOCAL lnNumberOfPackets
LOCAL lnPersistCookies
LOCAL lnPort
LOCAL lcServername
LOCAL lcService
LOCAL lnShouldTrackHops
LOCAL lcTimeout
LOCAL lcRequestUrl
LOCAL lcCheck_time
LOCAL lnCheck_version
LOCAL lcProbe_dc
LOCAL lcCipher
LOCAL lcExponent
LOCAL lcFingerprint
LOCAL lcFingerprint256
LOCAL lcModulus
LOCAL lcProtocol
LOCAL lcSerialNumber
LOCAL lcSubjectC
LOCAL lcSubjectCN
LOCAL lcSubjectL
LOCAL lcSubjectO
LOCAL lcSubjectOU
LOCAL lcSubjectST
LOCAL lcAltName
LOCAL lcValidFrom
LOCAL lcValidTo
LOCAL lcEventType
LOCAL lcCode
LOCAL lcFailureMessage
LOCAL lnHttpStatusCode
LOCAL lcResponseBody
LOCAL lcDescription
LOCAL lcUt_270Description
LOCAL lnResponseSize
LOCAL lcDownload
LOCAL lcFirstByte
LOCAL lcHandshake
LOCAL lcRedirect
LOCAL lcTotal
LOCAL lcWait
LOCAL lcResult_id
LOCAL lnStatus
LOCAL lnCount_i

* This example assumes the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
* See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.

loHttp = CreateObject('Chilkat_9_5_0.Http')


loSbResponseBody = CreateObject('Chilkat_9_5_0.StringBuilder')
lnSuccess = loHttp.QuickGetSb("",loSbResponseBody)
IF (lnSuccess = 0) THEN
    ? loHttp.LastErrorText
    RELEASE loHttp
    RELEASE loSbResponseBody

loJResp = CreateObject('Chilkat_9_5_0.JsonObject')
loJResp.EmitCompact = 0

? "Response Body:"
? loJResp.Emit()

lnRespStatusCode = loHttp.LastStatus
? "Response Status Code = " + STR(lnRespStatusCode)
IF (lnRespStatusCode >= 400) THEN
    ? "Response Header:"
    ? loHttp.LastHeader
    ? "Failed."
    RELEASE loHttp
    RELEASE loSbResponseBody
    RELEASE loJResp

* Sample JSON response:
* (Sample code for parsing the JSON response is shown below)

* {
*   "check": {
*     "config": {
*       "configVariables": [
*         {
*           "description": "Example for the variable.",
*           "type": "string"
*         },
*         {
*           "description": "Example for the variable.",
*           "type": "string"
*         }
*       ],
*       "request": {
*         "allow_insecure": false,
*         "basicAuth": {
*           "password": "PaSSw0RD!",
*           "username": "my_username",
*           "type": "web"
*         },
*         "body": "proident",
*         "bodyType": "text/plain",
*         "callType": "unary",
*         "certificate": {
*           "cert": {
*             "content": "reprehenderit labore Ut sed mollit",
*             "filename": "Duis consectetur incididunt eiusmod",
*             "updatedAt": "aliquip in"
*           },
*           "key": {
*             "content": "consequat sint nulla aute aliquip",
*             "filename": "non nisi",
*             "updatedAt": "et"
*           }
*         },
*         "compressedJsonDescriptor": "dolore",
*         "dnsServer": "elit nostrud in adipisic",
*         "dnsServerPort": 60578,
*         "follow_redirects": false,
*         "headers": {
*           "proident_69": "quis dolor occaecat"
*         },
*         "host": "laborum laboris",
*         "message": "aliqua ea laborum laboris",
*         "metadata": {
*           "dolor_d": "veniam nostrud anim nulla",
*           "labore_7c6": "consequat eu",
*           "sed002": "Excepteur eiusmod adipisicing"
*         },
*         "method": "et irure",
*         "noSavingResponseBody": false,
*         "numberOfPackets": 9,
*         "persistCookies": false,
*         "port": 99104800,
*         "proxy": {
*           "url": "",
*           "headers": {
*             "ead": "i"
*           }
*         },
*         "query": {},
*         "servername": "cillum enim adipisicing",
*         "service": "Greeter",
*         "shouldTrackHops": true,
*         "timeout": -43666416.92792323,
*         "url": ""
*       },
*       "variables": [
*         {
*           "description": "Example for the variable.",
*           "type": "string"
*         },
*         {
*           "description": "Example for the variable.",
*           "type": "string"
*         }
*       ]
*     }
*   },
*   "check_time": -61984290.348021574,
*   "check_version": -35585398,
*   "probe_dc": "Duis aute",
*   "result": {
*     "cert": {
*       "cipher": "laborum dolore elit reprehenderit",
*       "exponent": -97057115.16341409,
*       "extKeyUsage": [
*         "e",
*         "non nulla"
*       ],
*       "fingerprint": "enim",
*       "fingerprint256": "commodo Duis elit culpa",
*       "issuer": {
*         "C": "id",
*         "CN": "dolor esse",
*         "L": "Lorem magna",
*         "O": "adipisicing ullamco",
*         "OU": "nostrud labore",
*         "ST": "proident consequat ut"
*       },
*       "modulus": "ut dolore cupidatat officia",
*       "protocol": "cillum dolor commodo sit",
*       "serialNumber": "velit",
*       "subject": {
*         "C": "aliquip ad voluptate",
*         "CN": "irure",
*         "L": "elit",
*         "O": "in",
*         "OU": "cillum dolor dolor aliquip nulla",
*         "ST": "mollit velit et",
*         "altName": "veniam eu mollit irure"
*       },
*       "validFrom": "1993-10-19T21:25:09.532Z",
*       "validTo": "2015-01-05T06:21:16.689Z"
*     },
*     "eventType": "finished_with_error",
*     "failure": {
*       "code": "DECRYPTION",
*       "message": "Error during DNS resolution (ENOTFOUND)."
*     },
*     "httpStatusCode": 81890255,
*     "requestHeaders": {
*       "Ut2": {},
*       "ad_29": {}
*     },
*     "responseBody": "Excepteur laboris Ut dolor",
*     "responseHeaders": {
*       "ut19b": {
*         "description": "Returned request header."
*       },
*       "Ut_270": {
*         "description": "Returned request header."
*       }
*     },
*     "responseSize": -51226186,
*     "timings": {
*       "dns": 31944439.48881416,
*       "download": -87539924.41719314,
*       "firstByte": -96589047.25818287,
*       "handshake": 84645232.54590705,
*       "redirect": -32741896.0310553,
*       "ssl": -93300794.33204812,
*       "tcp": 65643.03422442079,
*       "total": 82914630.9958055,
*       "wait": 29723058.510239527
*     }
*   },
*   "result_id": "culpa adipisicing consectetur sit",
*   "status": 1
* }

* Sample code for parsing the JSON response...
* Use this online tool to generate parsing code from sample JSON: Generate JSON Parsing Code

lnAllow_insecure = loJResp.BoolOf("check.config.request.allow_insecure")
lcPassword = loJResp.StringOf("check.config.request.basicAuth.password")
lcUsername = loJResp.StringOf("check.config.request.basicAuth.username")
lcV_Type = loJResp.StringOf("check.config.request.basicAuth.type")
lcBody = loJResp.StringOf("check.config.request.body")
lcBodyType = loJResp.StringOf("check.config.request.bodyType")
lcCallType = loJResp.StringOf("check.config.request.callType")
lcContent = loJResp.StringOf("check.config.request.certificate.cert.content")
lcFilename = loJResp.StringOf("check.config.request.certificate.cert.filename")
lcUpdatedAt = loJResp.StringOf("check.config.request.certificate.cert.updatedAt")
lcKeyContent = loJResp.StringOf("check.config.request.certificate.key.content")
lcKeyFilename = loJResp.StringOf("check.config.request.certificate.key.filename")
lcKeyUpdatedAt = loJResp.StringOf("check.config.request.certificate.key.updatedAt")
lcCompressedJsonDescriptor = loJResp.StringOf("check.config.request.compressedJsonDescriptor")
lcDnsServer = loJResp.StringOf("check.config.request.dnsServer")
lnDnsServerPort = loJResp.IntOf("check.config.request.dnsServerPort")
lnFollow_redirects = loJResp.BoolOf("check.config.request.follow_redirects")
lcProident_69 = loJResp.StringOf("check.config.request.headers.proident_69")
lcHost = loJResp.StringOf("")
lcMessage = loJResp.StringOf("check.config.request.message")
lcDolor_d = loJResp.StringOf("check.config.request.metadata.dolor_d")
lcLabore_7c6 = loJResp.StringOf("check.config.request.metadata.labore_7c6")
lcSed002 = loJResp.StringOf("check.config.request.metadata.sed002")
lcMethod = loJResp.StringOf("check.config.request.method")
lnNoSavingResponseBody = loJResp.BoolOf("check.config.request.noSavingResponseBody")
lnNumberOfPackets = loJResp.IntOf("check.config.request.numberOfPackets")
lnPersistCookies = loJResp.BoolOf("check.config.request.persistCookies")
lnPort = loJResp.IntOf("check.config.request.port")
lcV_Url = loJResp.StringOf("check.config.request.proxy.url")
lcEad = loJResp.StringOf("check.config.request.proxy.headers.ead")
lcServername = loJResp.StringOf("check.config.request.servername")
lcService = loJResp.StringOf("check.config.request.service")
lnShouldTrackHops = loJResp.BoolOf("check.config.request.shouldTrackHops")
lcTimeout = loJResp.StringOf("check.config.request.timeout")
lcRequestUrl = loJResp.StringOf("check.config.request.url")
lcCheck_time = loJResp.StringOf("check_time")
lnCheck_version = loJResp.IntOf("check_version")
lcProbe_dc = loJResp.StringOf("probe_dc")
lcCipher = loJResp.StringOf("result.cert.cipher")
lcExponent = loJResp.StringOf("result.cert.exponent")
lcFingerprint = loJResp.StringOf("result.cert.fingerprint")
lcFingerprint256 = loJResp.StringOf("result.cert.fingerprint256")
C = loJResp.StringOf("result.cert.issuer.C")
lcCN = loJResp.StringOf("result.cert.issuer.CN")
L = loJResp.StringOf("result.cert.issuer.L")
O = loJResp.StringOf("result.cert.issuer.O")
lcOU = loJResp.StringOf("result.cert.issuer.OU")
lcST = loJResp.StringOf("result.cert.issuer.ST")
lcModulus = loJResp.StringOf("result.cert.modulus")
lcProtocol = loJResp.StringOf("result.cert.protocol")
lcSerialNumber = loJResp.StringOf("result.cert.serialNumber")
lcSubjectC = loJResp.StringOf("result.cert.subject.C")
lcSubjectCN = loJResp.StringOf("result.cert.subject.CN")
lcSubjectL = loJResp.StringOf("result.cert.subject.L")
lcSubjectO = loJResp.StringOf("result.cert.subject.O")
lcSubjectOU = loJResp.StringOf("result.cert.subject.OU")
lcSubjectST = loJResp.StringOf("result.cert.subject.ST")
lcAltName = loJResp.StringOf("result.cert.subject.altName")
lcValidFrom = loJResp.StringOf("result.cert.validFrom")
lcValidTo = loJResp.StringOf("result.cert.validTo")
lcEventType = loJResp.StringOf("result.eventType")
lcCode = loJResp.StringOf("result.failure.code")
lcFailureMessage = loJResp.StringOf("result.failure.message")
lnHttpStatusCode = loJResp.IntOf("result.httpStatusCode")
lcResponseBody = loJResp.StringOf("result.responseBody")
lcDescription = loJResp.StringOf("result.responseHeaders.ut19b.description")
lcUt_270Description = loJResp.StringOf("result.responseHeaders.Ut_270.description")
lnResponseSize = loJResp.IntOf("result.responseSize")
lcV_Dns = loJResp.StringOf("result.timings.dns")
lcDownload = loJResp.StringOf("")
lcFirstByte = loJResp.StringOf("result.timings.firstByte")
lcHandshake = loJResp.StringOf("result.timings.handshake")
lcRedirect = loJResp.StringOf("result.timings.redirect")
lcSsl = loJResp.StringOf("result.timings.ssl")
lcTcp = loJResp.StringOf("result.timings.tcp")
lcTotal = loJResp.StringOf("")
lcWait = loJResp.StringOf("result.timings.wait")
lcResult_id = loJResp.StringOf("result_id")
lnStatus = loJResp.IntOf("status")
i = 0
lnCount_i = loJResp.SizeOfArray("check.config.configVariables")
DO WHILE i < lnCount_i
    loJResp.I = i
    lcDescription = loJResp.StringOf("check.config.configVariables[i].description")
    lcV_type = loJResp.StringOf("check.config.configVariables[i].type")
    i = i + 1
i = 0
lnCount_i = loJResp.SizeOfArray("check.config.variables")
DO WHILE i < lnCount_i
    loJResp.I = i
    lcDescription = loJResp.StringOf("check.config.variables[i].description")
    lcV_type = loJResp.StringOf("check.config.variables[i].type")
    i = i + 1
i = 0
lnCount_i = loJResp.SizeOfArray("result.cert.extKeyUsage")
DO WHILE i < lnCount_i
    loJResp.I = i
    lcStrVal = loJResp.StringOf("result.cert.extKeyUsage[i]")
    i = i + 1

RELEASE loSbResponseBody

Curl Command

curl -X GET
	-H "Accept: application/json"

Postman Collection Item JSON

  "name": "Get an API test result",
  "request": {
    "method": "GET",
    "header": [
        "key": "Accept",
        "value": "application/json"
    "url": {
      "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/synthetics/tests/:public_id/results/:result_id",
      "host": [
      "path": [
      "variable": [
          "key": "public_id",
          "value": "tempor Ut sed velit"
          "key": "result_id",
          "value": "tempor Ut sed velit"
    "description": "Get a specific full result from a given Synthetic API test."
  "response": [
      "name": "OK",
      "originalRequest": {
        "method": "GET",
        "header": [
            "key": "Accept",
            "value": "application/json"
            "description": "Added as a part of security scheme: apikey",
            "key": "DD-API-KEY",
            "value": "<API Key>"
        "url": {
          "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/synthetics/tests/:public_id/results/:result_id",
          "host": [
          "path": [
          "variable": [
              "key": "public_id"
              "key": "result_id"
      "status": "OK",
      "code": 200,
      "_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
      "header": [
          "key": "Content-Type",
          "value": "application/json"
      "cookie": [
      "body": "{\n  \"check\": {\n    \"config\": {\n      \"configVariables\": [\n        {\n          \"description\": \"Example for the variable.\",\n          \"type\": \"string\"\n        },\n        {\n          \"description\": \"Example for the variable.\",\n          \"type\": \"string\"\n        }\n      ],\n      \"request\": {\n        \"allow_insecure\": false,\n        \"basicAuth\": {\n          \"password\": \"PaSSw0RD!\",\n          \"username\": \"my_username\",\n          \"type\": \"web\"\n        },\n        \"body\": \"proident\",\n        \"bodyType\": \"text/plain\",\n        \"callType\": \"unary\",\n        \"certificate\": {\n          \"cert\": {\n            \"content\": \"reprehenderit labore Ut sed mollit\",\n            \"filename\": \"Duis consectetur incididunt eiusmod\",\n            \"updatedAt\": \"aliquip in\"\n          },\n          \"key\": {\n            \"content\": \"consequat sint nulla aute aliquip\",\n            \"filename\": \"non nisi\",\n            \"updatedAt\": \"et\"\n          }\n        },\n        \"compressedJsonDescriptor\": \"dolore\",\n        \"dnsServer\": \"elit nostrud in adipisic\",\n        \"dnsServerPort\": 60578,\n        \"follow_redirects\": false,\n        \"headers\": {\n          \"proident_69\": \"quis dolor occaecat\"\n        },\n        \"host\": \"laborum laboris\",\n        \"message\": \"aliqua ea laborum laboris\",\n        \"metadata\": {\n          \"dolor_d\": \"veniam nostrud anim nulla\",\n          \"labore_7c6\": \"consequat eu\",\n          \"sed002\": \"Excepteur eiusmod adipisicing\"\n        },\n        \"method\": \"et irure\",\n        \"noSavingResponseBody\": false,\n        \"numberOfPackets\": 9,\n        \"persistCookies\": false,\n        \"port\": 99104800,\n        \"proxy\": {\n          \"url\": \"\",\n          \"headers\": {\n            \"ead\": \"i\"\n          }\n        },\n        \"query\": {},\n        \"servername\": \"cillum enim adipisicing\",\n        \"service\": \"Greeter\",\n        \"shouldTrackHops\": true,\n        \"timeout\": -43666416.92792323,\n        \"url\": \"\"\n      },\n      \"variables\": [\n        {\n          \"description\": \"Example for the variable.\",\n          \"type\": \"string\"\n        },\n        {\n          \"description\": \"Example for the variable.\",\n          \"type\": \"string\"\n        }\n      ]\n    }\n  },\n  \"check_time\": -61984290.348021574,\n  \"check_version\": -35585398,\n  \"probe_dc\": \"Duis aute\",\n  \"result\": {\n    \"cert\": {\n      \"cipher\": \"laborum dolore elit reprehenderit\",\n      \"exponent\": -97057115.16341409,\n      \"extKeyUsage\": [\n        \"e\",\n        \"non nulla\"\n      ],\n      \"fingerprint\": \"enim\",\n      \"fingerprint256\": \"commodo Duis elit culpa\",\n      \"issuer\": {\n        \"C\": \"id\",\n        \"CN\": \"dolor esse\",\n        \"L\": \"Lorem magna\",\n        \"O\": \"adipisicing ullamco\",\n        \"OU\": \"nostrud labore\",\n        \"ST\": \"proident consequat ut\"\n      },\n      \"modulus\": \"ut dolore cupidatat officia\",\n      \"protocol\": \"cillum dolor commodo sit\",\n      \"serialNumber\": \"velit\",\n      \"subject\": {\n        \"C\": \"aliquip ad voluptate\",\n        \"CN\": \"irure\",\n        \"L\": \"elit\",\n        \"O\": \"in\",\n        \"OU\": \"cillum dolor dolor aliquip nulla\",\n        \"ST\": \"mollit velit et\",\n        \"altName\": \"veniam eu mollit irure\"\n      },\n      \"validFrom\": \"1993-10-19T21:25:09.532Z\",\n      \"validTo\": \"2015-01-05T06:21:16.689Z\"\n    },\n    \"eventType\": \"finished_with_error\",\n    \"failure\": {\n      \"code\": \"DECRYPTION\",\n      \"message\": \"Error during DNS resolution (ENOTFOUND).\"\n    },\n    \"httpStatusCode\": 81890255,\n    \"requestHeaders\": {\n      \"Ut2\": {},\n      \"ad_29\": {}\n    },\n    \"responseBody\": \"Excepteur laboris Ut dolor\",\n    \"responseHeaders\": {\n      \"ut19b\": {\n        \"description\": \"Returned request header.\"\n      },\n      \"Ut_270\": {\n        \"description\": \"Returned request header.\"\n      }\n    },\n    \"responseSize\": -51226186,\n    \"timings\": {\n      \"dns\": 31944439.48881416,\n      \"download\": -87539924.41719314,\n      \"firstByte\": -96589047.25818287,\n      \"handshake\": 84645232.54590705,\n      \"redirect\": -32741896.0310553,\n      \"ssl\": -93300794.33204812,\n      \"tcp\": 65643.03422442079,\n      \"total\": 82914630.9958055,\n      \"wait\": 29723058.510239527\n    }\n  },\n  \"result_id\": \"culpa adipisicing consectetur sit\",\n  \"status\": 1\n}"
      "name": "Forbidden",
      "originalRequest": {
        "method": "GET",
        "header": [
            "key": "Accept",
            "value": "application/json"
            "description": "Added as a part of security scheme: apikey",
            "key": "DD-API-KEY",
            "value": "<API Key>"
        "url": {
          "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/synthetics/tests/:public_id/results/:result_id",
          "host": [
          "path": [
          "variable": [
              "key": "public_id"
              "key": "result_id"
      "status": "Forbidden",
      "code": 403,
      "_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
      "header": [
          "key": "Content-Type",
          "value": "application/json"
      "cookie": [
      "body": "{\n  \"errors\": [\n    \"Bad Request\",\n    \"Bad Request\"\n  ]\n}"
      "name": "- Synthetic Monitoring is not activated for the user\n- Test or result is not owned by the user",
      "originalRequest": {
        "method": "GET",
        "header": [
            "key": "Accept",
            "value": "application/json"
            "description": "Added as a part of security scheme: apikey",
            "key": "DD-API-KEY",
            "value": "<API Key>"
        "url": {
          "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/synthetics/tests/:public_id/results/:result_id",
          "host": [
          "path": [
          "variable": [
              "key": "public_id"
              "key": "result_id"
      "status": "Not Found",
      "code": 404,
      "_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
      "header": [
          "key": "Content-Type",
          "value": "application/json"
      "cookie": [
      "body": "{\n  \"errors\": [\n    \"Bad Request\",\n    \"Bad Request\"\n  ]\n}"
      "name": "Too many requests",
      "originalRequest": {
        "method": "GET",
        "header": [
            "key": "Accept",
            "value": "application/json"
            "description": "Added as a part of security scheme: apikey",
            "key": "DD-API-KEY",
            "value": "<API Key>"
        "url": {
          "raw": "{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/synthetics/tests/:public_id/results/:result_id",
          "host": [
          "path": [
          "variable": [
              "key": "public_id"
              "key": "result_id"
      "status": "Too Many Requests",
      "code": 429,
      "_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
      "header": [
          "key": "Content-Type",
          "value": "application/json"
      "cookie": [
      "body": "{\n  \"errors\": [\n    \"Bad Request\",\n    \"Bad Request\"\n  ]\n}"