Chilkat Online Tools

GetOutpost TCL Example

AWS Outposts

load ./chilkat.dll

# This example requires the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
# See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.

set rest [new_CkRest]

set authAws [new_CkAuthAws]

CkAuthAws_put_AccessKey $authAws "AWS_ACCESS_KEY"
CkAuthAws_put_SecretKey $authAws "AWS_SECRET_KEY"

# Don't forget to change the region to your particular region. (Also make the same change in the call to Connect below.)
CkAuthAws_put_Region $authAws "us-west-2"
CkAuthAws_put_ServiceName $authAws "outposts"
# SetAuthAws causes Chilkat to automatically add the following headers: Authorization, X-Amz-Date
CkRest_SetAuthAws $rest $authAws

# URL:
# Use the same region as specified above.
set success [CkRest_Connect $rest "" 443 1 1]
if {$success != 1} then {
    puts "ConnectFailReason: [CkRest_get_ConnectFailReason $rest]"
    puts [CkRest_lastErrorText $rest]
    delete_CkRest $rest
    delete_CkAuthAws $authAws

CkRest_AddHeader $rest "Content-Type" "application/x-amz-json-1.1"
CkRest_AddHeader $rest "X-Amz-Target" "GetOutpost"

set sbResponseBody [new_CkStringBuilder]

set success [CkRest_FullRequestNoBodySb $rest "GET" "/outposts/{OutpostId}" $sbResponseBody]
if {$success != 1} then {
    puts [CkRest_lastErrorText $rest]
    delete_CkRest $rest
    delete_CkAuthAws $authAws
    delete_CkStringBuilder $sbResponseBody

set respStatusCode [CkRest_get_ResponseStatusCode $rest]
puts "response status code = $respStatusCode"
if {$respStatusCode != 200} then {
    puts "Response Header:"
    puts [CkRest_responseHeader $rest]
    puts "Response Body:"
    puts [CkStringBuilder_getAsString $sbResponseBody]
    delete_CkRest $rest
    delete_CkAuthAws $authAws
    delete_CkStringBuilder $sbResponseBody

set jResp [new_CkJsonObject]

CkJsonObject_LoadSb $jResp $sbResponseBody

# The following code parses the JSON response.
# A sample JSON response is shown below the sample code.

# Use this online tool to generate parsing code from sample JSON:
# Generate Parsing Code from JSON

set AvailabilityZone [CkJsonObject_stringOf $jResp "Outpost.AvailabilityZone"]
set AvailabilityZoneId [CkJsonObject_stringOf $jResp "Outpost.AvailabilityZoneId"]
set Description [CkJsonObject_stringOf $jResp "Outpost.Description"]
set LifeCycleStatus [CkJsonObject_stringOf $jResp "Outpost.LifeCycleStatus"]
set Name [CkJsonObject_stringOf $jResp "Outpost.Name"]
set OutpostArn [CkJsonObject_stringOf $jResp "Outpost.OutpostArn"]
set OutpostId [CkJsonObject_stringOf $jResp "Outpost.OutpostId"]
set OwnerId [CkJsonObject_stringOf $jResp "Outpost.OwnerId"]
set SiteArn [CkJsonObject_stringOf $jResp "Outpost.SiteArn"]
set SiteId [CkJsonObject_stringOf $jResp "Outpost.SiteId"]
set SupportedHardwareType [CkJsonObject_stringOf $jResp "Outpost.SupportedHardwareType"]
set v_String [CkJsonObject_stringOf $jResp "Outpost.Tags.string"]

# A sample JSON response body parsed by the above code:

# {
#   "Outpost": {
#     "AvailabilityZone": "string",
#     "AvailabilityZoneId": "string",
#     "Description": "string",
#     "LifeCycleStatus": "string",
#     "Name": "string",
#     "OutpostArn": "string",
#     "OutpostId": "string",
#     "OwnerId": "string",
#     "SiteArn": "string",
#     "SiteId": "string",
#     "SupportedHardwareType": "string",
#     "Tags": {
#       "string": "string"
#     }
#   }
# }

delete_CkRest $rest
delete_CkAuthAws $authAws
delete_CkStringBuilder $sbResponseBody
delete_CkJsonObject $jResp